Consideration of a Possible Upgrade of the Narthex Restrooms

Consideration of a Possible Upgrade of the Narthex Restrooms

Back in 2019, soon after the roof replacement, Council revisited the list of proposed projects listed during our Vision 2020 Campaign that began in 2013.  During that process, lists were developed and roughly prioritized, knowing that circumstances might change, requiring us to change direction from time to time.  Those lists have “evolved” for several reasons, feasibility, changing needs, and changed circumstances (such as the roof replacement due to leaks that could not be ignored).  After the roof replacement, we returned to the list and picked up the sidewalk project, addressing safety needs.  Next on the list is upgrading restrooms in the Narthex.  Council’s goal has been to upgrade with a fully accessible ADA restroom and increase the number of fixtures to eliminate inconvenience of long waits when a large group meets in the church.  We are now at the “investigation stage” (which was delayed due to Covid).

This stage has included looking at sketches for possible configuration of our space;  the sketches were provided at no charge by a retired architect and friend of the church.  Council narrowed them down, and I agreed to begin a more serious investigation.  I’ve consulted with 5 architects and a couple of contractors, consulted with the Contra Costa County lead plan checker, and shared information with the Restroom Upgrade Committee:  myself, Eleanor Crump, and David Hertzer.  We have requested proposal from architects, and the Committee will review proposals.  Our objective is to select an architect who will provide us with “schematic” drawings based on requirements of the County for use of space, and number of fixtures - all governed by Code.  We have waited to share possible plans with the congregation until we have some concrete information about what is actually feasible and the possible costs. That information will be vital to deciding whether we will proceed with such a project.  Once we have that information in hand, we’ll arrange for Spectrum-type presentations to the congregation.  

To finance this project, we have funds remaining in the Vision 2020 fund, and available funds in the Endowment have been accumulating for several years. 

Please let me know if you have questions.    Linda Young

Simplified Covid Prevention Protocols for In-Person Worship: REVISED MARCH 7, 2022

Simplified Covid Prevention Protocols for In-Person Worship

Revised March 7, 2022


In effect through at least April 3rd

Vaccination cards or negative Covid test results checked at the door.

Masks are required inside except when actually eating or drinking.

  Masks are optional outdoors.

1.     Effective March 6, 2022: Vaccinations and boosters required for all who are eligible: Please be prepared to show vaccination/booster certificate at the door or, if you have already been cleared, ask the Greeter to check (✔) your name on the “Fully Vaccinated List”.

2.     Effective March 13, 2022: Unvaccinated church members welcome upon presentation of a negative test:  Please be prepared to show a time-stamped photo of a negative Covid test result, the test having been taken within 24 hours. The Greeters will record names of those presenting Covid test results in lieu of vaccination certificates.

3.     Wear a face covering: Masks will continue to be required indoors. Please wear an N95, KN95, or KF94. If these are not available, a surgical mask with tight ear straps that completely covers mouth and nose is acceptable; cloth masks are no longer acceptable.

4.     Stay home when you’re sick: Please stay home if you are experiencing any signs of illness and get tested before coming to ACC. Please plan to stay home for one week if you test positive.

5.     If you test positive: If you test positive within a week after attending in-person worship, please contact Pastor Celeste as soon as possible for contact tracing and other considerations. 

6.     Stay home after traveling by plane: Please stay home for one week after travelling and get tested before coming to ACC.

7.     Stay up to date: Please watch the ParishScope, Wednesday Update, and ACC website for the latest updates. We anticipate frequent changes in this protocol as the public health situation and the concerns of our congregation evolve.

8.     Questions? Concerns? Please contact Pastor Celeste Fields, Moderator Faith Abel, or Re-Opening Chair Eleanor Crump

Church Service Protocols

1.     Greeters check and document vaccination/booster certifications for vaccinated people and negative Covid test verifications for unvaccinated members.

2.     Returning church members no longer need to show their vaccination certificates every Sunday; the Greeter can check them off on the “Fully Vaccinated List.” The Greeter will also record names of those not yet on the list as well as those showing Covid test results in lieu of vaccination certificates.

3.     Worship Host records seating (cell-phone photo).

4.     Maintain social distancing: six-foot minimum distance (except members of same household).

5.     Wear masks the entire time, even while singing. Exception: Speakers and singers at a distance while they are speaking or singing.

6.     Communion: Touch-free with tongs and cups in trays.

7.     Passing the Peace: Stay in place.

8.     Offering: Baskets at entry.

9.     Doors open to enhance ventilation insofar as weather and street noise allow.

10.  No lingering and chatting indoors before/after worship--quick in and out—welcome to greet and chat outdoors.

11.  No indoor Social Hour for the time being. Welcome to Social Hour on the patio.

Exciting News About Improvements to Our Live-Stream Services!

We are so happy to be able to safely resume IN-PERSON worship on Sunday, March 6!

If you've been watching from home for the last year, you've probably encountered those pesky loading screens that slow down worship.

After much time, effort, and countless technicians, ACC has finally upgraded it's internet service to fiber! Which means, NO MORE LOADING SCREENS FOR YOU AT HOME!

Welcome Back--Carefully Re-Opening! February 19, 2022 UPDATE

Covid Prevention Protocols

Revised February 19


Welcome Back as we Re-Open Carefully!

We are so happy to be able to safety resume IN-PERSON worship on Sunday, March 6!

Pastor Celeste and the Re-Opening Committee suggest we continue to abide by the Covid Prevention Protocols summarized below for the time being until we feel comfortable easing them, maybe as soon as a few weeks from now if case rates continue to decline.

New, simplified Covid prevention protocols for returning in person:

·      Vaccinations required and boosters will be required for all who are eligible: Please be prepared to show vaccination/booster certificate at the door.

·      Wear a face covering: Masks will continue to be required indoors. Please wear an N95, KN95, or KF94 if possible, otherwise a surgical mask with tight ear straps that completely covers mouth and nose. Cloth masks are no longer acceptable.

·      Stay home when you’re sick: Please stay home if you are experiencing any signs of illness and get tested before coming to ACC. Please plan to stay home for 10 days if you test positive.

·      If you test positive: If you test positive within a week after attending in-person worship, please contact Pastor Celeste as soon as possible for contact tracing and other considerations. 

·      Stay home after travelling by plane: Please stay home for 10 days after travelling and get tested before coming to ACC.

·      Stay up to date: Please watch the ParishScope, Wednesday Update, and ACC website for the latest updates.

·      Questions? Concerns? Please contact Pastor Celeste Fields, Moderator Faith Abel, or re-opening Chair Eleanor Crump

Church Service Protocols

1.     Greeters check vaccination/booster certifications.

2.     Worship Host records seating (cell-phone photo).

3.     Maintain social distancing: six-foot minimum distance (except members of same household).

4.     Wear masks the entire time, even while singing. Exception: Speakers and singers at a distance while they are speaking or singing.

5.     Communion: Touch-free with tongs and cups in trays.

6.     Passing the Peace: Stay in place.

7.     Offering: Baskets at entry .

8.     Doors open to enhance ventilation insofar as weather and street noise allow.

9.     No lingering and chatting indoors before/after worship--quick in and out—welcome to greet and chat outdoors.

10.  No indoor Social Hour for the time being. Welcome to Social Hour on the patio.

Looking Forward to In-Person Worship! February 4, 2022 UPDATE

Looking Forward to In-Person Worship!

 The Re-Opening Committee met on February 2 to assess the public health situation and consider protocols for resuming in-person worship. Guided by our priority to assure the safety and well-being of our congregation, we studied and discussed:

• government guidance and regulations;

• the infection rates and trends in our area;

• our population’s status regarding vaccinations and boosters;

• the pros and cons of on-site protocols we would need to assure safety; and

• input from the congregation.


Although the numbers of new cases in Contra Costa County are still the highest they have been since the beginning of the pandemic, if the current steep downward trend in infection rates continues, it looks like we may be back to early December levels in a few weeks.

 We suggest we may be able to safely resume in-person worship on

Sunday, March 6, the First Sunday of Lent!


This date may change as we continue to monitor the situation, but for now let’s look forward to it.


New, simplified Covid prevention protocols for returning in person

· Vaccinations and boosters will be required for all who are eligible. Please be prepared to show vaccination/booster certificate at the door.

· Wear a face covering. Masks will continue to be required indoors. Please wear an N95, KN95, or KF94 if possible, otherwise wear a surgical mask with tight ear straps that completely covers mouth and nose. Cloth masks are no longer acceptable.

· Stay home when you’re sick. Please stay home for 10 days if you test positive or are experiencing any signs of illness and get tested before coming to ACC.

· Stay home for after travelling. Please stay home for 10 days after travelling and get tested before coming to ACC.

· Stay up to date: Please watch the ParishScope, Wednesday Update, and ACC website for the latest updates.

· Questions? Concerns? Please share with Pastor Celeste Fields, Moderator Faith Abel, or Re-Opening Chair Eleanor Crump.

The Re-Opening Committee is grateful for your abiding patience, support, and feedback  as we continue to navigate and learn from this challenging pandemic.  

Moderator Connection

Moderator Connection

I’m honored to be your Moderator for 2022, and will work with you to make it a good year for ACC.

Pastor Celeste is more settled at one month than I am at 2 weeks, but we both feel energy and enthusiasm for our time ahead for ACC.  Virtual services were not what we envisioned for the first weeks of a new Pastor, but we are looking forward to the time soon when we can again meet in person for our Worship Services.

The reopening team met this week and are encouraged by the drop in the number of cases and are monitoring other factors to determine a safe return to meeting in person.  Our tentative time for reopening  is currently March 6th, but the team will continue to meet and will keep the congregation informed.

A date will be scheduled for a congregational meeting once we are meeting in person to verify/confirm the election of Council Members and approval of the 2022 Budget which were voted on Zoom on Jan. 23rd meeting.  At this meeting a vote will also be taken on a proposed addition to our bylaws to allow the use of Internet meeting services for the Annual and Special Business Meetings of our Church. 

The Installation of Pastor Celeste is not a firm date yet, but is in the planning stage.  This is an exciting event for both Pastor Celeste and our congregation.  Guest ministers from the area and the Conference will participate in this event, and the event will also include live streaming for those unable to attend. 

The newly elected Council will meet next Wednesday, Feb. 9th at 1:00 pm.  Members are Joe Pratt, Sara Laferte, Randy Laferte, Elena Caruthers, Eleanor Crump, Jaima Roberts, Tom Dean, Pastor Celeste, and myself.  We on the Council will continue to strive to be transparent and keep you informed of our actions and decisions. We welcome you input and questions, and ask for your continued prayers for God’s guidance for all of us.

I look forward to the time soon that we’ll be able to give Pastor Celeste that ‘Extravagant Welcome’ in person.

Faith Abel, Moderator                                                                                       

Resurrection, Painted by Carol Aust

Carol Aust is an artist in Oakland whose work I have loved for years. Jim and I loved going to see her work when she had Open Studio weekends, but we never were able to walk away with one of her paintings. Her subject matter and use of color often convey feelings that one can relate to. One of my favorites has been her painting of a woman floating up into the clouds, dropping her high heals, and brief case behind. Several years before I retired, I put a photo of that painting next to my classroom door to remind me that though I loved teaching, someday I’d have a different life. (The artist used to be a first grade teacher.)

I recently learned that Carol painted some liturgical subject matter, so contacted her to see if she ever sold prints. (Her originals are way out of my price range.) She said she was no longer having prints made, but would be happy to show me the only ones she had left. I visited her studio and got lucky. This one spoke to me. I feel this depiction of the resurrection has an image that could be broadly interpreted ethnically, and expresses joy and hope. It is my gift to the church, to honor the ACC Council that has worked collaboratively to keep ACC alive and well during the Covid-19 Pandemic, and for the memory of my husband, Jim Young who worked tirelessly as Moderator during 2015, the final year of his life. It is presented to ACC on the 23rd of January, 2022.

Council 2020-2021: Faith Abel (Vice Moderator), Randy Laferte (Treasurer), Sara Laferte (Clerk), Elena Caruthers (Financial Secretary), and At Large members: Joe Pratt, Eleanor Crump, and David Hertzer.

From Linda Young (Moderator)

Re-suspending In-Person Worship

Out of an abundance of caution and concerns raised by the church community in regards to the Omicron variant, we are going to suspend in-person worship until further notice.

We are disappointed that we will not be able to welcome Pastor Celeste face to face. But she said, “These situations make for good sermons.”

We will be returning to pre-recorded Virtual Worship services on Our YouTube Channel. You will be able to view the service on Sunday morning or at your leisure when it is convenient for you. An email will be sent to the congregation on Sunday morning with all the necessary links.

Carefully Resuming In-Person Worship

Carefully Resuming In-Person Worship

The ACC Re-Opening Committee met with Pastor Celeste Friday afternoon, December 31. After thoughtful and prayerful deliberation the Committee approved resumption of in-person worship starting January 9 with enhanced Covid-Prevention Protocols. As always, in-person services will be live-streamed and recorded for those who prefer to stay home. The Committee will continue to monitor the rapidly evolving public health situation and compliance with the protocols as we move carefully forward. Pastor Celeste and the Re-Opening Committee welcome your comments and concerns.


New Booster Requirement

From now on our requirement for being “fully vaccinated” will mean two Pfizer shots plus booster or two Moderna plus booster or one Johnson & Johnson plus booster. Now would be a good time to get your boosters if you are eligible and haven’t already done so!


Reinforcing Protocols

 Our Covid Prevention Protocols remain in place and we are urged to pay particular attention to the following:

·       Vaccinations required—see above for new booster requirement. (proof of vaccination required at the door)

·       Well fitting masks required—consider upgrading to N95 or KN95.

·       At least 6-ft social distancing required at all times. Sit only in spaces marked with blue tape.

·       Doors to the sanctuary must remain open to assure optimal ventilation. This even when it is so cold outside. So, please bundle up.

·       Passing the Peace: Remain in your positions, don’t walk around or mingle, send loving hand signals to one another.

·       Don’t linger: Leave as soon as service concludes; visit outside not inside.

·       If you don’t feel well, even allergy or a cold, please stay home.


Continuation of in-person worship will depend not only upon the public health situation but also upon our conscientiously following the safety protocols.

Thoughts from Our Bridge Pastor: December 31, 2021

Thoughts from Our Bridge Pastor

Rev. Barbara K. Peronteau

Thoughts from the Pastor…

Along with the rest of you, I was sitting in the pews when Pastor Nate Klug gave his farewell sermon. As I remember, it was cute and clever, poignant and funny.


He did a thing with the alphabet.

I remember ‘C’ was for Covid.

                    It still is.


‘T’ was for turkeys – Arlo and Arlys.

I haven’t seen them for a while.

I miss them.


I vaguely remember Nate saying something about someone wearing a bow tie.

That just made the person different.

Not Better. Not worse. Just different.


I liked Nate’s style.

Nate had a great style about him.

He had his own je ne sais quoi that was admirable.

In the Middle of July, I was hired to be the Bridge Pastor. I wondered how I could possibly bring anything to this space that would even come close to Nate. I even confided as much to him before he left. Then I remembered what Nate said about the guy with a bow tie. I didn’t have to be like Nate. I just needed to bring me.    

As your Bridge Pastor, my job was to fill in between Pastor Nate and the next pastor, who we now know is the Rev. Dr. Celeste Fields. I think I did what I was hired to do.

When I started on July 14, Arlington Community Church was just returning to live in-person worship. My first Sunday was the first time in 16 months I got to preach before a live studio audience - as they say.

Preaching live and preaching on Zoom are two different animals. I much prefer live. There is a certain energy that is created when the community gathers in-person. That’s not to say we aren’t community on Zoom or You Tube. We are. I prefer live where the energy is.

As the Bridge pastor, I led you from just coming out of distance worship back into distance worship. That’s not my all fault. Here we are again. Hopefully not for as long this time.

But while I was here, it was great being back together.  Yes?

I brought with me a certain energy. A certain way of understanding scripture. I brought with me a particular love for the rhythm of the church calendar. Indeed, despite all its foibles, I brought with me a love for the holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. I brought my own style and flair

Every church has its own rhythm of worship. ACC is no different. When you lift up the hood on the worship service, there’s a lot of moving parts.  Thank you for giving me the space for getting used to Arlington’s particular rhythms.

I would like to thank the folks on the Faith Formation Team. It was wonderful working with you. We started a Lectio Divina discernment group.  We started up the Theology on Tap again. Except that a few days before we were to meet in person at the Junket, we had to pivot and meet on Zoom. We made it work. In addition, we resumed the Poetry Hour and the Spiritual Journey series. Thank you. You made it easy. I look forward to working with you in the future as one of you.

Also, I would like to thank Linda Young and the collective wisdom of the Church Council. No pastor can do this job without good solid lay leadership. Much thanks to Susan Yourd and Anita Baker for being my ‘altar guild’ and to Shanti and Tim for making the music happen.  I am also very appreciative to my Pastor/Parish relations team. You helped me get over a bump early on. This is a reminder that ministry needs all of us.

As Elijah and Elisha are crossing the Jordan on dry land, we are reminded of Israel crossing the Red Sea. The community of Israel is heading into new territory. Something new and glorious awaits them. A promised land – a land flowing with milk and honey.  

In much the same way Elijah passes the prophetic baton to Elisha, I too am passing the baton of ministry to Pastor Celeste.

Personally, and professionally, I have nothing on the horizon

which means, I have everything on the horizon.

You, ACC, have crossed from where we were to where we are going. Much like the final scene in “Priscilla, Queen of the Desert,” the horizon stretches out before you too. Your promised land awaits you. Everything is on your horizon as well.

I couldn’t have done this without each and every one of you.

This was an honor and a joy and a privilege.

                    The turkeys were an added bonus.

                                        Thank you.


Keep being fabulous,

~ Rev. Barbara Peronteau, Bridge Pastor