Resurrection, Painted by Carol Aust

Carol Aust is an artist in Oakland whose work I have loved for years. Jim and I loved going to see her work when she had Open Studio weekends, but we never were able to walk away with one of her paintings. Her subject matter and use of color often convey feelings that one can relate to. One of my favorites has been her painting of a woman floating up into the clouds, dropping her high heals, and brief case behind. Several years before I retired, I put a photo of that painting next to my classroom door to remind me that though I loved teaching, someday Iā€™d have a different life. (The artist used to be a first grade teacher.)

I recently learned that Carol painted some liturgical subject matter, so contacted her to see if she ever sold prints. (Her originals are way out of my price range.) She said she was no longer having prints made, but would be happy to show me the only ones she had left. I visited her studio and got lucky. This one spoke to me. I feel this depiction of the resurrection has an image that could be broadly interpreted ethnically, and expresses joy and hope. It is my gift to the church, to honor the ACC Council that has worked collaboratively to keep ACC alive and well during the Covid-19 Pandemic, and for the memory of my husband, Jim Young who worked tirelessly as Moderator during 2015, the final year of his life. It is presented to ACC on the 23rd of January, 2022.

Council 2020-2021: Faith Abel (Vice Moderator), Randy Laferte (Treasurer), Sara Laferte (Clerk), Elena Caruthers (Financial Secretary), and At Large members: Joe Pratt, Eleanor Crump, and David Hertzer.

From Linda Young (Moderator)