On-Campus Community Partners

We’re proud to be the home of:


Hearts Leap is operated by the International Child Resource Institute (ICRI), a global non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of children and families. ICRI has four Hearts Leap programs in Oakland and Berkeley, a bilingual preschool in Richmond, and three early childhood centers at Stanford University. All of our programs are child-directed, family oriented, and staffed by exceptionally talented individuals with extensive experience and knowledge in ECE.

Currently enrolling children 18 months to 5 years old.


KNS (Kensington Nursery School)

Located in Kensington, California, Kensington Nursery School (KNS) is a parent cooperative preschool. KNS offers a morning, afternoon and full-time preschool program for children at least ​2 years 7 months in age, and an after-school program for kindergarteners attending Hilltop Elementary.
Our play-based programs provide a fun and safe environment to enhance children's development socially, emotionally, creatively and cognitively.   The school is nonsectarian, and accepts children of all races, religions, cultural origins and family lifestyles. www.kns-ca.org


We have been known as the friendliest Israeli dance session in the US. We dance every Wednesday night at the Arlington Community Church in Kensington CA. We welcome beginners!

East Bay Yoga

How does it feel to meet each moment with open-hearted presence? East Bay Yoga creates a safe, supportive space to gather in community, reinforce healthy habits of mind and body and feel connected with yourself and all of life. Instructor Wendy Beckerman guides Mindfulness Yoga and Meditation most Wednesday mornings in the spacious and light-filled Social Hall at the Arlington Community Church. All are welcome! www.eastbayyoga.com

WAVE (Women’s Antique Vocal Ensemble)

WAVE is a chorus of women dedicated to the music of the medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque periods. Founded in 1999 by Cindy Beitmen, WAVE’s mission has been to communicate the heart and soul of this incredibly rich musical heritage with authenticity and excellence. WAVE presents concerts in the greater San Francisco Bay area and also presents public service concerts and outreach programs for those in need. WAVE has performed in hospitals, at senior residences, in support of AIDS research, for the inmates at Santa Rita Jail, and has given concerts to benefit the restoration of California missions. www.wavewomen.org