LA County Fire Relief: Ways to Pray & Give

We have all been watching and praying as the Eaton Fire in Altadena and Pasadena and the Palisades Fire in Los Angeles have destroyed thousands of homes and businesses and displaced over 200,000 people. Many of us have friends and loved ones who are affected and know people who lost their homes. Altadena Community Church UCC, (a fellow “ACC” UCC) lost their building in the fire, along with a number of other communities of faith. Their pastor had also just announced his retirement and upcoming departure. Over 5000 homes have been destroyed. The devastation is immense and it weighs heavy on all of our hearts. 

Pastor Jen lived in Altadena before moving to the Bay Area and the Chapmans still own a home there. (It was barely spared, just 4 houses away and across one intersection from the nearest fire. Smoke damage is anticipated, but unconfirmed.) Jen is in communication with clergy in the area who are working to organize disaster relief, and also continues to be connected to the community through neighborhood Facebook pages. 

Here are some ways you can give and pray:


  • LaCanada Congregational Church UCC is organizing volunteer efforts, fundraising to help fire victims with immediate needs, and providing supplies to people in the community. (Pastor Jen’s friend, Rev. Kyle Sears, is a great organizer and is leading these efforts.) You can give via Venmo @lacanadachurch or you can give via PayPal

  • First United Methodist Church of Pasadena (where Pastor Jen ministered before coming to ACC) is providing shelter, meals, and ongoing community support for fire victims. Give to FUMC Fire Support Efforts

  • First Congregational Church of Pasadena UCC (meets at FUMC Pasadena and helped Jen transition to the UCC) is collecting donations to support immediate needs of fire victims. Give to FCC’s Eaton Fire Relief Fund

  • The UCC’s Global HOPE Team will coordinate with ecumenical partners and a national network of voluntary organizations active in disasters (VOAD) as it shapes a long-term response. You can donate to the UCC's California Wildfires 2025 Appeal online or by mailing a check to support the community's immediate needs and long-term recovery efforts.

  • Donate online to the UCC's California Wildfires 2025 Appeal

  • You can mail a check payable to the United Church of Christ, PO Box 71957, Cleveland, OH 44194. Please note "California Wildfires 2025" in the memo section of your check.  

  • Many Black families lost homes in Altadena and we know through our anti-poverty and racial justice work how challenging and important homeownership is for Black families. You can support Black families who lost their homes or are currently displaced (many homes still standing are uninhabitable) by donating to their GoFund Me pages. Obviously you can’t support them all, but pray for them all and give as you feel led. Displaced Black Families GoFund Me Directory


  • For firefighters still fighting the fires, especially those who have lost their own homes, may their bodies, minds, and spirits be protected

  • For incarcerated people fighting the fires, may they receive just compensation, care, and future opportunities

  • For all who lost their lives in the fires, may their souls rest in peace and may their loved ones be comforted

  • For all who have lost their homes and belongings; for all who are displaced and uncertain when they can return; for all who are desperately searching for temporary housing they can afford; for all who are rooming with friends or family, for all who are sleeping in cars, shelters, churches, or tents, may they all be supported by their nation, state, city, communities, neighbors, families, and friends with everything they need to recover from this tragedy  

  • For all who are fighting with insurance companies, or trying to get them to answer the phone, and for all who don’t have the energy to advocate for themselves, may they get the help they need

  • For all who lost their schools in the fire…children, families, teachers and staff

  • For all who lost businesses, so many of them small and independent, projects of passion that were gifts to the community

  • For all who lost the beloved buildings of their faith communities, places of nurture, respite, and community

  • For Altadena Community Church UCC as they discern their next steps

  • For city, state, and national leaders making decisions about how to respond

  • For everyone cleaning up debris and toxic ash, may they be kept safe from harm

  • For all who are working to provide shelter and support, may they be given strength and endurance

  • For all who may be tempted to profit from this tragedy, may they be moved to act justly and mercifully 

  • For all who are moved to help, may they act with wisdom and patience to help in ways that are actually helpful

  • For all who are giving financially, volunteering, and making personal sacrifices on behalf of others, may their cups overflow and all their own needs be met

Q4 Quarterly Board Reports: October 1-December 31, 2024

ACC Board Reports Q4 2024 covering the period October 1-December 31, 2024

Compiled for January 15, 2025 Council Meeting by Eleanor Crump, Vice Moderator

Board and Building and Grounds Trustees

 1.    Hearts Leap Preschool moved into 2-story building and chapel; they moved into the area previously known as K/1 in July.

2.    Hired new gardener, Jose Hernandez                                                                                                                               

3.    Repaired pipe leaking water onto asphalt playground; Allan Gardiner and Javier Gonzalez dug a new trench and installed by-pass drains and other parts.     

4.    Sanded and stained patio deck

5.    Removed tree and replaced broken cement pads in school courtyard

6.    Purchased projector and bracket for Social Hall; Allan Gardiner will install; It will be used in the Rental Program and by the congregation for films, slide shows.

7.    Received full cost of repairing damaged varnish to floor in Social Hall from insurance company; work is scheduled for January 2025.

Respectfully submitted,
Nina Harmon, Chair
December 11, 2024

 Board of Endowment Trustees

 Awaiting year-end reports from Vanguard—expected around January 8, 2025

Respectfully submitted,
J. David Hertzer, Chair
January x, 2025

Board of Hospitality and Outreach

In the 4th Quarter Hospitality & Outreach is projected to continue the after-Church Social Hour refreshments as well as special events, as needed. We will be providing Goodie Bags to children attending the Christmas Eve Service on December 24th. 

Respectfully submitted,
Jaima Roberts, Chair
December 13, 2024

 Board of Worship and Pastoral Care

Quarter 4 is always a busy one for the Board of Worship and Pastoral Care. As we moved from summer and autumn into Advent, our altar colors and worship themes changed apace. We welcomed four new members and celebrated the lives of two or our beloved saints. And we served each other with loving care with rides to church and doctor visits, home visits and respite care, food and phone calls. 

October 2024

·       We celebrated our memories of the blessings Carol Lloyd shared us while she was among us. Carol served in many ways; as a Deacon, a Sunday school teacher, and in our various homeless care efforts.

·       We celebrate “Day of the Dead” and remembered folks who influenced our lives and Spirituality.

·       On October 13, Clista Haley, Lauren Eastland, Yusef Malenky, and Rachel Sing were welcomed into membership at ACC. Hooray!

November 2024

·       “For want of a nail” or, in this case, a pen with which to write a donation check during worship, led to figuring how to place prayer cards, envelopes, and (at this point) pencils on the curvy backs of the pews.  We do have a pen stash as well when required! The Worship Hosts each week for the service will check to make sure the holders are fully stocked for the following week.

·       Jen worked with Susan to estimate our budget for 2025 to keep pace with our growing expenses.

December 2024

·       The Greening of the Church event did a wonderful job of transforming the Sanctuary, Fireside Room, Entryway, and the exterior into festive and welcoming spaces.

·       A pilot effort began for Advent to help those who enjoy a moment of meditation in the Sanctuary before worship begins. Conversations are welcome in the entryway, but respectfully quieted in the Sanctuary. We will evaluate after the New Year.

·       We celebrated the life of our dear Glenna Seely. She shared her talents by serving as a deacon, faithfully sending handwritten notes of love and encouragement on birthdays and whenever someone needed a special smile.

At present, the Board is looking toward the Christmas services – moving through Advent, Blue Christmas, Christmas Eve, and on toward 2025!

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Yourd, Chair
December 17, 2024

 Board of Missions and Social Justice

 The BMSJ was busy during this last quarter of 2024. Much was devoted to raising money: There were ACC booths at the Solano Stroll and GRIP Harmony Walk, where brochures were handed out, asking for donations. The annual North Richmond Holiday Fund was gathered, netting over $4,000. We will collect the Christmas Fund (an emergency fund for retired pastors or pastors in financial distress) on the Sunday before Christmas, and our Christmas Eve offering will be for a charity that is devoted to helping Palestinian children. The Neighbors in Need Offering was taken on September 29. We're grateful to Russell Baker for additional BWBF promotion: He is singing at Shattuck and Vine and offering brochures to passersby. We also decided as a board to give $200 out of our Missions and Social Justice fund to a denominational O&A program.

We hosted a Spectrum on September 15, on the film, "Common Ground" about regenerative soil practices. It was well attended. Elena offered two booklet binding classes, which may have produced booklets to give to people caught up in the corrections system, but so far, the booklets have been claimed by the makers for themselves! But thank you, Elena, for the idea and skills.

Respectfully submitted,
Dorothy Streutker, Chair
December 18, 2024

Board of Faith Formation

Quarter 4, 2024 Activities

1.    The Faith Formation team met on November 12 and December 3. We skipped our October 1 meeting for the Vice Presidential Debate. Our standing meetings continue to be the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM on Zoom.

2.    We finalized our mission statement which is now posted on the ACC website.

3.    In October we continued to sponsor Pastor’s Sunday Scripture Study (SSS) based on the scripture for the coming Sunday’s sermon Tuesday noons in October led by Pastor Jen—on hiatus for November and December, to resume in January

4.    Midweek Scripture Study (MSR): resumed in October, led by Rachel Sing and Susan Francis, each with a “Spark” to inspire the conversation.

5.    Spiritual Journeys: Jen hosted Faith Abel as part of July 14 worship service and Dudley as part of August 11 worship service. Nick Crump hosted Joe Pratt the eve of September 24 on Zoom. On November 26 Ruth Robinson hosted Linda Young. All coordinated by Caro Grosvenor.

6.    We partnered with Missions and Social Justice to offer a Just Faith Ministries training program, Poverty-a Solidarity Response led by Aaron Bolerjak and Dorothy Streutker  July 10 - August 28

7.    Cluster continued to meet the first Monday of every month on Zoom. We usually have 4-5 people.

8.    Fourth Friday Faith Formation Film Festival resumed Friday, October 25 with Barbie and on November 22 we showed Coda.

9.    Wise Hearts (group of 9 people) gathered in person at Crump’s home on Nov 4, and Cluster continued to meet the first Monday of every month on Zoom.

10.                    At our November 12 meeting, after much discussion inspired by a church member not on our Board, we voted unanimously to change the name of our board from Board of Faith Formation to Board of Faith Spiritual Life to more closely reflect our mission.

Respectfully submitted,
Eleanor Crump, Chair
December 12, 2024

Letter From Rev. Barry Cammer

Dear ACC Family,

I’ve missed you all very much this Autumn. There’s almost no other place I’d rather be on a Sunday morning than worshipping with you all. The exception is that I’ve been spending time on Sunday mornings visiting with other congregations in support of the Black Wealth Builders Fund. In recent weeks I’ve spoken at St. Columba Catholic Church, facilitated the Racial Wealth Gap Simulation at both the First Presbyterian Church and First Congregational Church of Palo Alto. I’ve spoken at Skyline Community Church in Oakland, and preached at both Epworth United Methodist Church and McGee Avenue Baptist Church. This coming Sunday I’ll speak briefly at First Congregational Church in Berkeley. My dance card is full.

I am excited about the work that Susan and I have been doing to expand the Black Wealth Builders Fund. It feels meaningful and useful and for those who know me, you can be sure that I haven’t had much time to “get into trouble.”

I hope to be in church on December 8th and 15th before I head to Virginia for Christmas with some of my family. Rest assured, you are also my family and although absent from worship and other events, I do consider myself an “ambassador” for Arlington Community Church. Consider me your own, private, unpaid missionary.

I send you all my love and prayers for a warm Holiday season.


Rev. Barry Cammer

ACC Board Reports Q3 2024

 ACC Board Reports Q3 2024 Covering the period
July 1-September 30, 2024

Compiled for October 18 Council Meeting by Eleanor Crump, Vice Moderator 

Board and Building and Grounds Trustees
Nina Harmon, October 6, 2024

1. Allan Gardiner, Randy Laferte and Javier worked on repairing a pipe leaking water on the large playground. They have bought parts and will have it finished by the rainy season.

2. Submitted claim for damage to the Social Hall floor, money was received and the work scheduled to start January 11 and complete January 18. 

3. Patio deck has been sanded and stained. 

4. Removed a tree and several cement pads in the preschool courtyard; laid new cement pads to fill the holes.

5. On behalf of the Health and Safety Committee, applied to Board of Endowment for $750 for reconstituted Automated Emergency Defibrillator to go in Social Hall; it will replace the old one which is inoperable.

6. The Health and Safety Committee designed and produced Emergency Response posters, which are now in each pew, and contributed an article on Emergency Preparedness to the ParishScope. 

7. As of September 1, 2024, Hearts Leap Kensington has moved into remaining area of their leased space. They have not yet identified any specific areas needing an upgrade. 

Respectfully submitted,
Nina Harmon, Chair
Board of Buildings and Grounds Trustees

Board of Endowment Trustees
David Hertzer, October 6, 2024

During the Second Quarter, Endowment disbursed the following: (a) $2,702 for the new roof over the Church entrance, (b) $18,881 for improvements made to the preschool area, and (c) $7,500 for one-half of the Pastor’s Housing Allowance. During the Third Quarter, no disbursements were made from Endowment. However, in September 2024 the sum of not to exceed $750 was approved to pay for a new recertified Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) for the Social Hall. This sum will be disbursed in the Fourth Quarter after Council approves the purchase and the AED is purchased.

On December 31, 2023, The Endowment Fund at Vanguard was $929,320.61 and on September 30, 2024 it was $1,047,887.72, an increase of 12.8%.  For the same period the Housing and Building Fund at Vanguard increased from $543,146.59 to $620,914.02, an increase of 14.3%.  These increases were made despite the disbursements made in the first half of the year. The two Vanguard Funds are widely diversified and mirror the markets.  The Dow Jones Index increased 12.3 % between December 31, 2023 and September 30, 2024. The Endowment Fund and the Housing and Building Fund have done very well so far in 2024.

Respectfully submitted,
J. David Hertzer, Chair
October 6, 2024

Board of Hospitality and Outreach
Jaima Roberts, October 10 2024

Hospitality & Outreach began our 3rd Quarter with our normal responsibilities. We provided Social Hour refreshments of pastries or other treats as well as fresh fruit every Sunday.

Looking forward to the 4th Quarter, we will continue to provide refreshments for Social Hour as well as special events after church, our October 12 Focus Retreat, and during the upcoming holidays.

Respectfully submitted,
Jaima Roberts, Chair
October 10, 2024

Board of Worship and Congregational Care
Susan Yourd, October 9, 2024

Quarter Three ended with the more informal summer season (July and August) giving way to the energy of an autumnal (September) rededication to ACC’s various missions.

W/CC, with others, participated in an Inquirers class that was composed of very thoughtful folks. As of this writing, we will welcome into membership four truly lovely folks who will enrich our faith journeys.
Ron Yourd has recently assumed the duties so ably performed by Anna Marie Hertzer; recruiting Greeters for Sunday services.

Worship host tasks are going smoothly. We regretfully accepted Dawn Canada’s withdrawal from our WH group as her circumstances have changed. The Care team is providing rides to her when she can attend worship. We hope again to have a full roster of Hosts soon.

The Congregational Care tasks have been looked after by Susan Francis. We have supported folks through rides to worship and other events and provided meals to several as needed.

Although not formally part of CC, there are two other groups providing smiles and support: the Tuesday (and occasional Thursday) shift of sandwich makers for the GRIP Souper Center and the cookie bakers for a local lunch outreach group in our area. (Not to mention the snack group from the Hospitality board who truly are a ministry out of goodies at Coffee Hour!). 

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Yourd, Chair
October 9, 2024

Board of Missions and Social Justice
Dorothy Streutker, October 7, 2024

BMSJ was active over the summer. A Just Faith class began in July and ended in August, offered in conjunction with the Faith Formation board. It was attended by 10 people, including the two co-facilitators, and two women who were not ACC members. It was a serious subject, and everyone completed the assigned readings, and the discussion was good and meaningful. We discussed whether another course should be scheduled, but we tabled that subject for another time. 

The BMSJ also screened a film, "The Letter," about a timely encyclical from the Pope. He called for greater attention to the role of steward of the Creation. It was a meaningful, well-produced documentary, and was well attended. Another film, "The Strike," was suggested as a follow-up, though it is about prison conditions, quite different from "The Letter,"

The BWB fund continues to grow and provide down payment assistance to Bay Area homebuyers. We got an accounting at our September meeting:

Total Funds Raised to Date: $712,717.56

Total Funds Expended: $487,000.00

Administrative Fees and Loan Costs: $30,598.98

Fund Balance: $195,118.58

The idea of the BWB fund has sparked different groups to propose variations. A good idea grows! 

We're still working on a covenant to declare that we are a BWB congregation. Barry is carrying this load. 

In August, we got the congregation to assist in making "Blessing Bags," zip lock bags filled with socks, soap, toothpaste and brush, and other items of use to homeless people. Church members were encouraged to take the bags in their cars, and hand them out when they see someone who looks like they could use a blessing. Some leftover ones were distributed at the Souper Supper. 

Speaking of the Souper Supper, this congregation continues to support the service, making sandwiches at church and some people going to the center to serve in person. 

The UCC sent us a number of Voter Pledge cards, to have people commit to vote with stewardship of creation in mind. They have not gone quickly, but names and e-mails of those that have been turned in have been forwarded to Cleveland.  

The BMSJ has undertaken the task of writing a covenant statement of our commitment to the environment. Three contenders were under consideration. The Board agreed that the following would be presented to the Council, and eventually to the congregation. 

God calls us to be stewards of Creation, to recognize our

connection to the planet and to the life on the planet. As we

grow in awareness of the suffering caused by our abuses of

our Earth, we see that factors such a race, social class,

poverty, and geographic differences cause some to suffer

more than others. We affirm the divine gifts of Creation and

our connection to God, to each other, and to the life of the

planet. We covenant to continue to learn and to practice

ways to heal and prevent further damage to the planet, and to

heal and prevent oppression and social injustice.

The usual November call for donations for the Senior and Community Christmas fun will go forward. The Christmas Fund, for retired clergy, will be taken in January. 

Respectfully submitted,
Dorothy Streutker, Chair
October 7, 2024

Board of Faith Formation
Eleanor Crump, September 30, 2024

Quarter 3, 2024 Activities

1.     Faith Formation met on August 5, and September 3. Our standing meetings continue to be the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM on Zoom.

2.     We finalized our mission statement which is now posted on the ACC website.

3.     Faith Formation Fireside Film Festival films paused for the summer.

4.     Living the Word: Pastor’s Sunday Scripture Study based on the scripture for the coming Sunday’s sermon Tuesday noons led by Pastor Jen and Midweek Sermon Reflection led by Maria 7:00 PM Wednesdays.

5.     Spiritual Journeys: Jen hosted Faith Abel as part of July 14 worship service and Dudley as part of August 11 worship service. Nick hosted Joe Pratt the eve of September xx on Zoom.

6.     Partner with Missions and Social Justice to offer a Just Faith Ministries training program July 10 - August 28

6.     Cluster continued to meet the first Monday of every month on Zoom. We usually have 4-5 people.

7.     Faith Formation contributed two articles for ParishScope: Earl Lectures, Aging and Retirement Series, United Against Hate in El Cerrito - free film

8.     The second Aging and Retirement cohort (Wise Hearts being the first), based on the book Aging as a Spiritual Practice by Lewis Richmond has been postponed due to insufficient interest.


1.     Fourth Friday Faith Formation Film Festival will resume Friday, October 25. In so far as possible, we will be choosing films that support Pastor Jen’s sermon themes.  Upcoming dates:

Oct 25

Nov 22 

(skip Dec)

Jan 24

 2.     Spiritual Journeys to be led by Caro:

(skip Oct)

Nov 26

(skip Dec)

(skip Jan)

Feb 25

Mar 25

 3.     Wise Hearts (group of 9 people) will gather in person at Crump’s home on Nov 4

4.     Considering several book groups and outside speakers.

Respectfully submitted,
Eleanor Crump, Chair
September 30, 2024

Introducing our New ACC Members!

On Sunday, Oct. 13, we celebrated as four new members joined our church.  They tell us a little about themselves below!

 Clista Haley
I was born and raised in Cleveland, Mississippi, in the Delta. I am the oldest of 3 children. I have 1 brother, and 1 sister. Our dad was a farmer, and we had a wonderful upbringing by loving parents. I am the mother of 4 wonderful children, 2 sons and 2 daughters; Lauren is the youngest. I was divorced from their dad when Lauren was 7 years old. I went to college at UT Nashville with 4 children and got a degree in nursing. I was a stay-at-home mom until then.

After my divorce I moved back to Mississippi and lived about 30 miles from my parents. I worked at King’s Daughter‘s Hospital in Greenville as a registered nurse for several years, then worked for an OB/ GYN in a group practice for 6 years. I was his office nurse and assisted him in surgery. I remarried in 1985 to Ray Haley, a widower, and had a blessed life with him, traveling the world and being the stepmother to his 4 sons, all of whom were grown except the youngest who was a junior in high school.  Ray died in 2010. I moved to Cincinnati several years after his death to be near my oldest child, David.

Lauren had been living in the Bay Area for a long time. She graduated from college here, married and has two grown sons. She convinced me to move here last year. I moved here in September of 2023. I have no special talents but I’m a voracious reader and enjoy gardening. I was looking for a church home, and Lauren did a lot of research and thought ACC would be a good place to visit. I was delighted that Yusef and she visited with me, and we are all becoming members. I love the open friendliness, the acceptance of all faiths and non-judgmental attitude of all. Jen is such a special pastor and I do so appreciate all she does for the church and the community as a whole. I look forward to becoming a member.


Lauren Eastland
I am from the deep South, but I have lived in California since 1990, when I moved out here to follow the Grateful Dead and get out of the South.

I am an anthropologist, educator, and scholar of religion and human rights. I teach anthropology at several Bay Area community colleges. I am also a PhD candidate in Religious Studies at UC Davis, and I conduct research on U.S. Muslim educational choices. I hope to spearhead some interfaith events with the Muslim community in the coming years. 

I am the mother of two adult sons, Austin (26) and William (22), who live in the greater Bay Area. 

My hobbies include hiking, swimming in oceans and rivers, gardening, and going to live music events with Yusef.

Yusef Malenky
I am from the mean streets of New York City, born to a secular Jewish family who immigrated from Eastern Europe in the early 20th century. My father is a musician, and I have been a lifelong music enthusiast, having been named after Yusef Lateef.  I moved to California in 1988, also to follow the Grateful Dead and get out of the city. 

I began working in childcare as a teen and continue to work with youth and families in my capacity as a LMFT (licensed marriage and family therapist). 

I started a formal spiritual practice in Sufism in my 20s, although my first experiences of the divine were through the New Testament.

My hobbies include going to live music events, hiking, and reading, mostly books on human development and religion.

 Rachel Sing
I am originally from the Boston area and moved to California more than 25 years ago, living first in the Central Valley and then in the Bay Area. I was raised Unitarian, but my children and I first attended a Disciples of Christ church and then joined a United Church of Christ church here in the East Bay.

Most of my career has been in education and youth development. My last position, before stepping back to focus on my children, was running a nonprofit based in Oakland that operated in the juvenile justice space, providing a peer-driven restorative justice program in partnership with the court system to divert youth from the pipeline to prison.

I love the outdoors and being outdoors -- mountains, forests, grasslands, and especially the ocean. I appreciate all manner of letting my mind forage and my imagination roam. 

Clista, Lauren, Yusef, and Rachel are already active in some of our activities, and we look forward to their continued participation as they are able.


Faith Abel, on behalf of the entire congregation at ACC.

Picnic Potluck Thank You

Thanks to all who came out for our Indoor Picnic potluck, and especially to Anita Baker who organized the event and set up our games and prizes! It was a wonderful evening of fellowship and play! Our next potluck will be October 3rd, and we’re hoping to hear from a representative of the League of Women Voters. 

Pride Sunday 2024!

ACC had a wonderful Pride Sunday on June 30th, celebrating queerness in the church and in the world! Outdoor greeters waved flags and received many friendly honks and waves from passers by. We had a joyous service, followed by a delicious potluck. Pride and joy were abundant as we rejoiced together in God’s favor that lasts a lifetime! 

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the celebration by greeting, bringing potluck items, and spreading the word! A special thanks to Anita for her work on the altar (with Susan’s help) and organization of the potluck (with Faith’s help), to Barry our lead outdoor greeter and liturgist, and to Bob for taking lots of great photos!

Food Truck Fundraiser Success

Last Thursday evening, we invited our wider community to join us for a food truck fundraiser for the Black Wealth Builders Fund and it was a rousing success! We only ended up with one food truck, but we learned that we can definitely pull a crowd big enough for two, or maybe even three! 

Southern Jazz Kitchen raised $300 with their 20% of profits donation. The owner, Michael, who manned the truck along with his wife and daughter, told us he made as much in a few hours at our event as he usually does in a full day! He wasn’t quite prepared to make over a hundred orders that evening, but he said next time he’ll be ready! 

An additional $700 was donated at our information table, manned by Barry and Tom, surely aided by the nearby ice cream table where Elena and Susan Frances served ice cream to all who made additional donations. That brought our total to $1,000! Someone came by at the end of the evening after the truck was closed and still wanted to make a donation, so we added another $40!

People had to wait a while for their orders, but there was a beautiful spirit of community and fellowship with people chatting while they waited and kids running around on the patio. We had a wonderful presentation from Jim Becker from the Richmond Community Foundation, Eric Mills from Neighborhood Housing Services, and Ebony Blake, a recent BWB loan recipient. Each of them spoke of their faith in God and the way they have seen God at work in their lives, in their work, and specifically through the Black Wealth Builders Fund.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to putting together this event and all who came! We provided a fun event for our community that brought people together, and raised awareness about this amazing fund that will surely continue to bear fruit!

Excellent Installation!

On Sunday February 18 we celebrated the installation of our new pastor, Rev. Jen Chapman! There was a lively procession, music, and official service of installation. Prayers for guidance and thanksgiving were given followed by a party with food & dessert! Thanks to everyone who was able to attend and to all of our guests, planners, and participants!

Bob Stokstad took some lovely pictures which you can view in the gallery below!

If you missed the service you can watch the
Live-Stream HERE!

Notes from the Council Meeting, December 13, 2023

Notes from the Council Meeting, December 13, 2023

From Faith Abel

Pastor Jen now has official Ordained Ministerial Standing in the Northern California Nevada Conference of the UCC.  The process took a little extra time because several committees were involved, but now we can proceed with her installation on Feb. 18, at 3:00 pm. 

Pastor Jen reported that she mentioned our “Blue Christmas” service on a neighborhood Facebook page and received several positive responses.  There were some new visitors at the service, possibly because of that posting.  God is at work!

The Pictorial Directory is under construction.

The financial secretary reported that as of now there are 32 pledging units totaling $107,430 for 2024.

Treasurer’s summary:  In November expenses exceeded income, but we expect to finish the year a little in the black.  Randy noted that our electric bill in 2024 was about $3,400.  The solar system is definitely reducing our bill.  The solar panels were installed in 2015.  Before that, the annual electric bill was $8,000 to $9,000 (and the price of electricity has gone up since then). 

The Deck Roofing project is completed, and the skylight repair will be done in early January.  The Social Hall Deck refinishing will be completed after the winter.

Based on what is currently kept on our office computer, it was decided to not take out a cyber insurance policy at this time.

A budget amount not to exceed $1500 was approved for Pastor Jen’s installation, with the money to be taken from the Search Committee Accrual Fund.

A decorating committee was formed to decide on the décor of the Narthex and possibly the Fireside Room, with a budget not to exceed $1000 during 2024, to be taken from surplus.  Pastor Jen, Nina Harmon, Elena Caruthers, and Linda Jones make up this committee.

Council has been actively considering additional hours/week, and increased salary and health insurance benefits for Jacob Day in the office.  After discussion and vote, the Council will offer Jacob additional hours and pay as a more fair compensation for work he does for us.  With the additional hours, Jacob will have better opportunity to assist with outreach, community programming, and increase in rentals.

An increase in salary and health insurance benefits was also voted for Javier.

Budget meetings have been on-going, and Council will propose a budget with a deficit to be presented at the Congregational Meeting.  Where appropriate, some designated funds may be used to balance the budget; these transfers will be identified as such.

The Nominating Committee, headed by Vice Moderator Dudley Thompson, will meet to consider officers for the 2024 Council.  The slate of Council members will be voted on at the annual congregational meeting.

The annual congregational meeting will be on January 21, 2024, following worship.  Online voting will be available.

All year-end Board and Committee reports are due by Jan. 10 to Linda Young, who will deliver them to Jacob for inclusion in the Annual Report.  4th quarter Board reports are due to Eleanor before Christmas.

Year-end bonuses were voted on for our 5 employees with sincere thanks for their work at ACC.

Faith Abel, Moderator