ACC Values:

  • Life-long learning and education

We are proud to be a teaching congregation for ministers-in-training at the Pacific School of Religion

  • Science and all of its additions to understanding the world around us

We accept the teachings of evolution as truth and seek ways to integrate all scientific truths with our faith. 

  • Insights from all spiritual paths, including those of other world religions

We believe there are many paths to the Divine. While we are particularly Christian, we are also interested in understanding experiences from other faiths.

  • The spiritual experience of participating in the arts

Our worship and faith formation utilize the arts to deepen our experiences of spirituality

ACC: A Community Where All Can –

  •  Explore and deepen their relation with God through worship, meditation, music, prayer, learning and service

  • Support and care for one another in life’s joys and challenges

  • Joyfully serve as Jesus’ hands in our community and world.

ACC Seeks to Provide:

  • A sense of serenity and peace of mind in this frantic world

  • An opportunity to reach out and help someone in need

  • A place where people of all ages can explore and learn about the important values in life

  •  A chance to experience personal spiritual sustenance

  • A sanctuary where we may come to know and better understand God

Arlington Community Church United Church of Christ

Covenant for Life Together


We, the members and friends of Arlington Community Church, are called to be stewards of creation and to build a just society based upon the inspiration of our faith.


We believe that all life is dependent upon our planet; therefore, we seek justice for the planet and all of its inhabitants by speaking up for its well-being.

·      We encourage asking the question at every decision point, “Is this good for the Planet?”

·      We support the Person of the Planet program, which builds awareness about environmental issues, and calls us individually and corporately to make changes in our lives.

·      We seek the designation in the United Church of Christ as a “Creation Justice Congregation.”

We believe that each and every one of us is equally loved and affirmed in God’s sight as a valuable human being. We pray and work to remove barriers and foster reconciliation among ourselves and people everywhere. Led by the Holy Spirit, we listen to and learn from one another.

·      We are Open and Affirming of all persons moved to join in our spiritual journey regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, abilities, or other God-given differences, visible or invisible. We thank God for our diversity.

·      We address the structural causes of poverty and inequality in our communities and in countries around the world; for example, by joining Jubilee USA Network, we work with people of many faiths to build an economy that protects and promotes the participation of the most vulnerable.

·      We serve others by partnering with agencies that feed the hungry and work with the poor.

·      We work toward accessibility for each person by removing physical barriers to participation including lighting, enlarged print, hearing assistance, ramps and handrails.

We are called to be the Church: to protect the environment, care for the poor, forgive often, reject racism, fight for the powerless, share earthly and spiritual resources, embrace diversity, love God, and enjoy this life.