Moderator Connection

Moderator Connection

I’m honored to be your Moderator for 2022, and will work with you to make it a good year for ACC.

Pastor Celeste is more settled at one month than I am at 2 weeks, but we both feel energy and enthusiasm for our time ahead for ACC.  Virtual services were not what we envisioned for the first weeks of a new Pastor, but we are looking forward to the time soon when we can again meet in person for our Worship Services.

The reopening team met this week and are encouraged by the drop in the number of cases and are monitoring other factors to determine a safe return to meeting in person.  Our tentative time for reopening  is currently March 6th, but the team will continue to meet and will keep the congregation informed.

A date will be scheduled for a congregational meeting once we are meeting in person to verify/confirm the election of Council Members and approval of the 2022 Budget which were voted on Zoom on Jan. 23rd meeting.  At this meeting a vote will also be taken on a proposed addition to our bylaws to allow the use of Internet meeting services for the Annual and Special Business Meetings of our Church. 

The Installation of Pastor Celeste is not a firm date yet, but is in the planning stage.  This is an exciting event for both Pastor Celeste and our congregation.  Guest ministers from the area and the Conference will participate in this event, and the event will also include live streaming for those unable to attend. 

The newly elected Council will meet next Wednesday, Feb. 9th at 1:00 pm.  Members are Joe Pratt, Sara Laferte, Randy Laferte, Elena Caruthers, Eleanor Crump, Jaima Roberts, Tom Dean, Pastor Celeste, and myself.  We on the Council will continue to strive to be transparent and keep you informed of our actions and decisions. We welcome you input and questions, and ask for your continued prayers for God’s guidance for all of us.

I look forward to the time soon that we’ll be able to give Pastor Celeste that ‘Extravagant Welcome’ in person.

Faith Abel, Moderator