Looking Forward to In-Person Worship! February 4, 2022 UPDATE

Looking Forward to In-Person Worship!

 The Re-Opening Committee met on February 2 to assess the public health situation and consider protocols for resuming in-person worship. Guided by our priority to assure the safety and well-being of our congregation, we studied and discussed:

• government guidance and regulations;

• the infection rates and trends in our area;

• our population’s status regarding vaccinations and boosters;

• the pros and cons of on-site protocols we would need to assure safety; and

• input from the congregation.


Although the numbers of new cases in Contra Costa County are still the highest they have been since the beginning of the pandemic, if the current steep downward trend in infection rates continues, it looks like we may be back to early December levels in a few weeks.

 We suggest we may be able to safely resume in-person worship on

Sunday, March 6, the First Sunday of Lent!


This date may change as we continue to monitor the situation, but for now let’s look forward to it.


New, simplified Covid prevention protocols for returning in person

· Vaccinations and boosters will be required for all who are eligible. Please be prepared to show vaccination/booster certificate at the door.

· Wear a face covering. Masks will continue to be required indoors. Please wear an N95, KN95, or KF94 if possible, otherwise wear a surgical mask with tight ear straps that completely covers mouth and nose. Cloth masks are no longer acceptable.

· Stay home when you’re sick. Please stay home for 10 days if you test positive or are experiencing any signs of illness and get tested before coming to ACC.

· Stay home for after travelling. Please stay home for 10 days after travelling and get tested before coming to ACC.

· Stay up to date: Please watch the ParishScope, Wednesday Update, and ACC website for the latest updates.

· Questions? Concerns? Please share with Pastor Celeste Fields, Moderator Faith Abel, or Re-Opening Chair Eleanor Crump.

The Re-Opening Committee is grateful for your abiding patience, support, and feedback  as we continue to navigate and learn from this challenging pandemic.