Welcome Back--Carefully Re-Opening! February 19, 2022 UPDATE

Covid Prevention Protocols

Revised February 19


Welcome Back as we Re-Open Carefully!

We are so happy to be able to safety resume IN-PERSON worship on Sunday, March 6!

Pastor Celeste and the Re-Opening Committee suggest we continue to abide by the Covid Prevention Protocols summarized below for the time being until we feel comfortable easing them, maybe as soon as a few weeks from now if case rates continue to decline.

New, simplified Covid prevention protocols for returning in person:

·      Vaccinations required and boosters will be required for all who are eligible: Please be prepared to show vaccination/booster certificate at the door.

·      Wear a face covering: Masks will continue to be required indoors. Please wear an N95, KN95, or KF94 if possible, otherwise a surgical mask with tight ear straps that completely covers mouth and nose. Cloth masks are no longer acceptable.

·      Stay home when you’re sick: Please stay home if you are experiencing any signs of illness and get tested before coming to ACC. Please plan to stay home for 10 days if you test positive.

·      If you test positive: If you test positive within a week after attending in-person worship, please contact Pastor Celeste as soon as possible for contact tracing and other considerations. 

·      Stay home after travelling by plane: Please stay home for 10 days after travelling and get tested before coming to ACC.

·      Stay up to date: Please watch the ParishScope, Wednesday Update, and ACC website for the latest updates.

·      Questions? Concerns? Please contact Pastor Celeste Fields, Moderator Faith Abel, or re-opening Chair Eleanor Crump

Church Service Protocols

1.     Greeters check vaccination/booster certifications.

2.     Worship Host records seating (cell-phone photo).

3.     Maintain social distancing: six-foot minimum distance (except members of same household).

4.     Wear masks the entire time, even while singing. Exception: Speakers and singers at a distance while they are speaking or singing.

5.     Communion: Touch-free with tongs and cups in trays.

6.     Passing the Peace: Stay in place.

7.     Offering: Baskets at entry .

8.     Doors open to enhance ventilation insofar as weather and street noise allow.

9.     No lingering and chatting indoors before/after worship--quick in and out—welcome to greet and chat outdoors.

10.  No indoor Social Hour for the time being. Welcome to Social Hour on the patio.