Carefully Resuming In-Person Worship

Carefully Resuming In-Person Worship

The ACC Re-Opening Committee met with Pastor Celeste Friday afternoon, December 31. After thoughtful and prayerful deliberation the Committee approved resumption of in-person worship starting January 9 with enhanced Covid-Prevention Protocols. As always, in-person services will be live-streamed and recorded for those who prefer to stay home. The Committee will continue to monitor the rapidly evolving public health situation and compliance with the protocols as we move carefully forward. Pastor Celeste and the Re-Opening Committee welcome your comments and concerns.


New Booster Requirement

From now on our requirement for being “fully vaccinated” will mean two Pfizer shots plus booster or two Moderna plus booster or one Johnson & Johnson plus booster. Now would be a good time to get your boosters if you are eligible and haven’t already done so!


Reinforcing Protocols

 Our Covid Prevention Protocols remain in place and we are urged to pay particular attention to the following:

·       Vaccinations required—see above for new booster requirement. (proof of vaccination required at the door)

·       Well fitting masks required—consider upgrading to N95 or KN95.

·       At least 6-ft social distancing required at all times. Sit only in spaces marked with blue tape.

·       Doors to the sanctuary must remain open to assure optimal ventilation. This even when it is so cold outside. So, please bundle up.

·       Passing the Peace: Remain in your positions, don’t walk around or mingle, send loving hand signals to one another.

·       Don’t linger: Leave as soon as service concludes; visit outside not inside.

·       If you don’t feel well, even allergy or a cold, please stay home.


Continuation of in-person worship will depend not only upon the public health situation but also upon our conscientiously following the safety protocols.