Thoughts from Our Bridge Pastor
Rev. Barbara K. Peronteau
Thoughts from the Pastor…
Along with the rest of you, I was sitting in the pews when Pastor Nate Klug gave his farewell sermon. As I remember, it was cute and clever, poignant and funny.
He did a thing with the alphabet.
I remember ‘C’ was for Covid.
It still is.
‘T’ was for turkeys – Arlo and Arlys.
I haven’t seen them for a while.
I miss them.
I vaguely remember Nate saying something about someone wearing a bow tie.
That just made the person different.
Not Better. Not worse. Just different.
I liked Nate’s style.
Nate had a great style about him.
He had his own je ne sais quoi that was admirable.
In the Middle of July, I was hired to be the Bridge Pastor. I wondered how I could possibly bring anything to this space that would even come close to Nate. I even confided as much to him before he left. Then I remembered what Nate said about the guy with a bow tie. I didn’t have to be like Nate. I just needed to bring me.
As your Bridge Pastor, my job was to fill in between Pastor Nate and the next pastor, who we now know is the Rev. Dr. Celeste Fields. I think I did what I was hired to do.
When I started on July 14, Arlington Community Church was just returning to live in-person worship. My first Sunday was the first time in 16 months I got to preach before a live studio audience - as they say.
Preaching live and preaching on Zoom are two different animals. I much prefer live. There is a certain energy that is created when the community gathers in-person. That’s not to say we aren’t community on Zoom or You Tube. We are. I prefer live where the energy is.
As the Bridge pastor, I led you from just coming out of distance worship back into distance worship. That’s not my all fault. Here we are again. Hopefully not for as long this time.
But while I was here, it was great being back together. Yes?
I brought with me a certain energy. A certain way of understanding scripture. I brought with me a particular love for the rhythm of the church calendar. Indeed, despite all its foibles, I brought with me a love for the holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. I brought my own style and flair.
Every church has its own rhythm of worship. ACC is no different. When you lift up the hood on the worship service, there’s a lot of moving parts. Thank you for giving me the space for getting used to Arlington’s particular rhythms.
I would like to thank the folks on the Faith Formation Team. It was wonderful working with you. We started a Lectio Divina discernment group. We started up the Theology on Tap again. Except that a few days before we were to meet in person at the Junket, we had to pivot and meet on Zoom. We made it work. In addition, we resumed the Poetry Hour and the Spiritual Journey series. Thank you. You made it easy. I look forward to working with you in the future as one of you.
Also, I would like to thank Linda Young and the collective wisdom of the Church Council. No pastor can do this job without good solid lay leadership. Much thanks to Susan Yourd and Anita Baker for being my ‘altar guild’ and to Shanti and Tim for making the music happen. I am also very appreciative to my Pastor/Parish relations team. You helped me get over a bump early on. This is a reminder that ministry needs all of us.
As Elijah and Elisha are crossing the Jordan on dry land, we are reminded of Israel crossing the Red Sea. The community of Israel is heading into new territory. Something new and glorious awaits them. A promised land – a land flowing with milk and honey.
In much the same way Elijah passes the prophetic baton to Elisha, I too am passing the baton of ministry to Pastor Celeste.
Personally, and professionally, I have nothing on the horizon
which means, I have everything on the horizon.
You, ACC, have crossed from where we were to where we are going. Much like the final scene in “Priscilla, Queen of the Desert,” the horizon stretches out before you too. Your promised land awaits you. Everything is on your horizon as well.
I couldn’t have done this without each and every one of you.
This was an honor and a joy and a privilege.
The turkeys were an added bonus.
Thank you.
Keep being fabulous,
~ Rev. Barbara Peronteau, Bridge Pastor