Simplified Covid Prevention Protocols for In-Person Worship: REVISED MARCH 7, 2022

Simplified Covid Prevention Protocols for In-Person Worship

Revised March 7, 2022


In effect through at least April 3rd

Vaccination cards or negative Covid test results checked at the door.

Masks are required inside except when actually eating or drinking.

  Masks are optional outdoors.

1.     Effective March 6, 2022: Vaccinations and boosters required for all who are eligible: Please be prepared to show vaccination/booster certificate at the door or, if you have already been cleared, ask the Greeter to check (✔) your name on the “Fully Vaccinated List”.

2.     Effective March 13, 2022: Unvaccinated church members welcome upon presentation of a negative test:  Please be prepared to show a time-stamped photo of a negative Covid test result, the test having been taken within 24 hours. The Greeters will record names of those presenting Covid test results in lieu of vaccination certificates.

3.     Wear a face covering: Masks will continue to be required indoors. Please wear an N95, KN95, or KF94. If these are not available, a surgical mask with tight ear straps that completely covers mouth and nose is acceptable; cloth masks are no longer acceptable.

4.     Stay home when you’re sick: Please stay home if you are experiencing any signs of illness and get tested before coming to ACC. Please plan to stay home for one week if you test positive.

5.     If you test positive: If you test positive within a week after attending in-person worship, please contact Pastor Celeste as soon as possible for contact tracing and other considerations. 

6.     Stay home after traveling by plane: Please stay home for one week after travelling and get tested before coming to ACC.

7.     Stay up to date: Please watch the ParishScope, Wednesday Update, and ACC website for the latest updates. We anticipate frequent changes in this protocol as the public health situation and the concerns of our congregation evolve.

8.     Questions? Concerns? Please contact Pastor Celeste Fields, Moderator Faith Abel, or Re-Opening Chair Eleanor Crump

Church Service Protocols

1.     Greeters check and document vaccination/booster certifications for vaccinated people and negative Covid test verifications for unvaccinated members.

2.     Returning church members no longer need to show their vaccination certificates every Sunday; the Greeter can check them off on the “Fully Vaccinated List.” The Greeter will also record names of those not yet on the list as well as those showing Covid test results in lieu of vaccination certificates.

3.     Worship Host records seating (cell-phone photo).

4.     Maintain social distancing: six-foot minimum distance (except members of same household).

5.     Wear masks the entire time, even while singing. Exception: Speakers and singers at a distance while they are speaking or singing.

6.     Communion: Touch-free with tongs and cups in trays.

7.     Passing the Peace: Stay in place.

8.     Offering: Baskets at entry.

9.     Doors open to enhance ventilation insofar as weather and street noise allow.

10.  No lingering and chatting indoors before/after worship--quick in and out—welcome to greet and chat outdoors.

11.  No indoor Social Hour for the time being. Welcome to Social Hour on the patio.