Consideration of a Possible Upgrade of the Narthex Restrooms

Consideration of a Possible Upgrade of the Narthex Restrooms

Back in 2019, soon after the roof replacement, Council revisited the list of proposed projects listed during our Vision 2020 Campaign that began in 2013.  During that process, lists were developed and roughly prioritized, knowing that circumstances might change, requiring us to change direction from time to time.  Those lists have “evolved” for several reasons, feasibility, changing needs, and changed circumstances (such as the roof replacement due to leaks that could not be ignored).  After the roof replacement, we returned to the list and picked up the sidewalk project, addressing safety needs.  Next on the list is upgrading restrooms in the Narthex.  Council’s goal has been to upgrade with a fully accessible ADA restroom and increase the number of fixtures to eliminate inconvenience of long waits when a large group meets in the church.  We are now at the “investigation stage” (which was delayed due to Covid).

This stage has included looking at sketches for possible configuration of our space;  the sketches were provided at no charge by a retired architect and friend of the church.  Council narrowed them down, and I agreed to begin a more serious investigation.  I’ve consulted with 5 architects and a couple of contractors, consulted with the Contra Costa County lead plan checker, and shared information with the Restroom Upgrade Committee:  myself, Eleanor Crump, and David Hertzer.  We have requested proposal from architects, and the Committee will review proposals.  Our objective is to select an architect who will provide us with “schematic” drawings based on requirements of the County for use of space, and number of fixtures - all governed by Code.  We have waited to share possible plans with the congregation until we have some concrete information about what is actually feasible and the possible costs. That information will be vital to deciding whether we will proceed with such a project.  Once we have that information in hand, we’ll arrange for Spectrum-type presentations to the congregation.  

To finance this project, we have funds remaining in the Vision 2020 fund, and available funds in the Endowment have been accumulating for several years. 

Please let me know if you have questions.    Linda Young