Faith Formation Team is Looking for New Members!

Faith Formation Team is Looking for New Members!

 The Faith Formation Team is looking for two or three more team members. Please consider joining us!

 What do we do? We brainstorm events to offer to the church and then make them happen - events to inspire us, to expand our spiritual lives, to educate us, and to learn from each other. One of the joys of being on this team is working closely with the Pastor.

 For instance, events from past and present:

•      Theatre parties to Berkeley Rep (to see “The Bible“ and “Becky, Nurse of Salem”) with food/drink/good talk afterwards at a local restaurant.

•      Wise Hearts, a support group that meets to share the joys and challenges of aging and retirement.

•      The biopic of writer Toni Morrison shown at a Sunday luncheon open to the public, and a reading/study of one of her stories, for Black History Month.

•      Lenten Devotionals written by ACC Members.

•      Bible study, currently Lectio Divina.

•      Poetry readings by ACC members and others (currently Poetry Hour).

•      Theology on Tap…aka conversations with the Pastor at the Junket (or via Zoom)

•      Spiritual Journeys series (interviews with ACC Members)


We have ideas for more events (e.g., an Advent retreat, starting another Wise Hearts group, etc.), but we need a few more Faith Formation Team members to make these things happen, and to re-charge the batteries of the current team. 

  If you’re interested, please talk to Pastor Barbara, either Eleanor or Nick Crump, or Helen Winters. You would be welcome to join a meeting to see if this fun team is for you.