Thoughts from Our Bridge Pastor
Rev. Barbara K. Peronteau
When you are driving on say, San Pablo, Sacramento, MLK, Arlington Ave., or anywhere, do you feel the presence of God? Assuming the traffic is okay, and everyone stays in their lanes, probably not. Whenever you’re pushing the grocery cart through the Safeway or Lucky’s it’s doubtful the presence of God is on your radar.
When we see the Bay from on high, we shout out a big “Wow, O God!” For me, it’s every single time, as if I’m seeing the Bay for the very first time. Or when we stand in the middle of a grove of Redwoods, or make that turn in the road when the Pacific Ocean infinitely spreads out before you, or when a Brown Pelican swoops and scoops up a fish that got too close to the surface. “Wow, O God! Fabulous are you!” And God says, “And also with you!”
When we get married, when our children are born, when that same child comes home from college, from the armed services, from…being away; somewhere, even if it’s simply a nudge or a tickle in the back of your mind, God seems present. Somehow.
There are those times when you find yourself in an event that is awesome and powerful and you are part of the event and…surely God is in this place. Praise be to you, O God! Then God says, “And also with you!”
What happens, though, when things go south? When even the best of us has a bad day. Not just a bad day, but a soul shattering, nerve rattling, life changing day when your world goes upside down. To borrow a phrase from the gymnast Simone Biles, your life gets “the twisties.” Most likely, in that moment we aren’t thinking about God. God is nowhere to be seen through the windshield or even in the rearview mirror. God isn’t on the front burner or the back burner. God isn’t in the back of your mind or the tip of your tongue. God? What God?
Then, when it’s quiet, you sit on the side of the bed and turn out the light. It’s just you. But you know you are not alone. It’s not judgement. It’s not a list of things you should’ve done or should do. It’s just you and Presence. Holy and Divine. It’s the Embrace of Love itself that will never leave you alone. Ever.
Peace and Wonder,
~ Pastor Barbara