Black Wealth Builders Update: September, 2021

Black Wealth Builders Update

 The Black Wealth Builders Fund, formerly known as the Black Homeownership Reparations Fund, is continuing to flourish at the Richmond Community Foundation.

 The fund stands at over $169,000 today. The California Association of Realtors has pledged another $50,000, which will bring us well over $200,000. We are so grateful to all at ACC and in the broader community who contributed to our fund.

 We are busy now getting the money into the community. We have made strong connections with Richmond Neighborhood Housing Services, Community Housing Development Corporation, and Guild Mortgage. Since our loans will be “layered” with a larger package, it is taking some time (and a lot of paperwork) to get our money to Black homebuyers. But we are hopeful we will make our first loans before the end of the year.

 We are gladly still accepting donations to this important cause. You can donate directly by sending a check to the Richmond Community Foundation, 3260 Blume Dr., Suite 110, Richmond, CA 94806. Indicate Black Wealth Builders Fund in the memo line. Or you can donate online:

 More information on the fund and its importance can be found on ACC’s website

 --Susan Russell