Pastoral Piece: March 18, 2023

Friday morning, early, Barry and I met with a small sub-group from Church Council asked to come up with a compensation package for us.  We both agreed to become half-time employees of the Church.  That means we committed to Arlington Community Church to be co-interim pastors for the indeterminate future until a new pastor is in place.  It was a very good meeting all around and we are grateful for the generous compensation.  Most things won’t change very much from what’s been going on. 

One change, however, is that we commit to each being in the Pastor’s office at church one afternoon a week.  We hope that you will drop by for a chat or a cup of tea on Wednesday or Friday afternoons.  It is very important to us to be available to the members and friends of the Church.  We continue to be reachable at our personal emails and phone numbers.  Check with Jacob in the Church office or in the Church Directory if you need to find these numbers.  We will continue to both lead worship and both do pastoral care and with Church leaders, continue to do the work of the Church.

It is very clear to me that the Spirit of God has been present and blessing us these last months.  Neither Barry nor I would have wanted to do what we are doing or even been able to do it by ourselves.  As it is now, we support each other and complement each other.  We feel supported by the congregation, by the Church leadership, each other and the Holy Spirit.  We are both so grateful to have enough strength and energy to happily do the work needed.  My friends, this is what a call looks like.

It is also very important to each of us to be easily available and in touch with each of you in worship, by email or phone or in person.  I am learning how to find the on-line gratitudes and prayer requests on my Phone during worship and hope our on-line worshippers will continue to send in requests.  Hopefully, we’ll be responsive to your concerns.  Everyone matters!

I know God’s spirit is supporting us all in this interim time.  We are already busy making preparations for Holy Week and Easter.  This year, there will be a Soup and Bread potluck on Maundy Thursday before the Tenebrae service.  It is clear we all so enjoy being together.  I hope everyone will make an effort to come to share this simple meal and then worship together in my favorite service of the whole year.

We feel and appreciate your prayers for us and please know we are praying for all of you.  May God continue to bless us all in this interim time. 

Pastor Julie