Notes from Council Meeting March 8, 2023

Notes from Council Meeting March 8, 2023

Pastors Julie and Barry reported that services have gone smoothly and that our church is functioning well after the departure of Pastor Celeste.

Secretary, Linda Young reported that Pastor Celeste requested, and the transfer has been done of her membership to Community Congregational church of Benicia.

Joe Pratt, Financial Sect. reported pledges coming in, as are donations for the BWB Fund, ($1,500 in one week).

Treasurer Randy Laferte reported that receipts in Feb. exceeded expenditures due to pledge money, room rentals, and pastor’s salary deferred until adjustment in March. Designated Funds grew by $4,300 and we received a $5000 donation from our Montessori schools to help fund the replacement flooring in their preschool damaged by early Jan. rains. Total cost of flooring was $11,000.

Restroom Upgrade:  Permitting process with the County has reached a new stage and our Architect, Chris Gilman feels we’ll be getting approved permits before May 1st when we want to break ground.  In preparation, closet clean-out has begun and color team will select a couple of palates and have the Congregation indicate preference

Music Director Search:  Three candidates have interviewed, and two have auditioned with the third candidate auditioning March 12th.  Feedback from the musicians will be shared with the search team who will meet March 16th to discuss candidates and decide and announce our New Music director soon.

Interim Search Committee is working together well. Six profiles have come in and three interviews have been done.  Adding Designated Term as a category of the minister search and increasing the posting to full time have brought in interested candidates as it allows the minister to stay after the term if both congregation and the minister agree.

Housing options:  The search committee recommends Council ask for a raise from the Board of Endowment regarding Housing Funds as housing is a major issue of concern for candidates coming to the area.  Options will be discussed.

Airfare and Hotel will be needed for a candidate and spouse at least once and possibly twice.  Motion was passed to move $5000 for necessary expenses from the surplus to the search committee Fund to be returned to surplus if any left over.

Resolution re: Black Wealth Builder’s Cong.:  Last month Council voted for the concept of the request to encourage the conference to set up a mechanism whereby churches of the conference can consider becoming a BWB Church.  The Resolution draft has now been completed and sent to the Business Comm. and the Bay Assoc.  Council unanimously approved the motion to encourage the Conference to develop and implement a mechanism whereby churches can study and decide whether to become Black Wealth Builders Congregation.

The notice of a Congregational Meeting on March 26, after the service, has been sent to the Congregation.  The meeting is for the purpose of a congregational vote on the motion approved by council.

Deck/roofing needs:  Bob Stokstad is getting contractors to look at the deck/roof over restrooms for repair.  One bid thus far.

Randy’s replacement as treasurer.  Dudley, Randy, and Faith met to review Randy’s listed tasks, and discussed options.  The first action will be a notice to be placed in the Parischscope seeking an interested person in being Treasurer who Randy could work with before the end of the year when Randy will leave the position after 16 years!!

Pastoral Responsibilities:  Discussion was held to hear from Barry and Julie regarding their work doing “fill in” of an interim minister.  Between the two of them, they have put in the work of a full-time minister with pastoral visits, planning and leading worship, and much more.  Council expressed deep gratitude for their effectiveness.  Barry and Julie were asked to leave the meeting and Council agreed to pay them and to make it retroactive to Feb. 1

Motion passed to retroactively compensate Barry and Julie at a rate comparable to that which we compensated our full-time minister.  Payment will be split between them, and details worked out by Personnel (Ruth and Dudley), Faith, Barry, and Julie.

Ensemble:  Discussion about having the Ensemble play during the Easter season, and their usual third Sunday of the month.  It was decided they would shift the normal performance of third Sunday to perform on Palm Sunday.

Faith Abel, Moderator