Council Summary for September, 2021

Council Summary for September, 2021

 The ACC Council has already met twice this month with possibly one more meeting to go. Our finances have stabilized considerably since the months of the pandemic when we were not renting space in the building and the schools were closed or working with seriously diminished enrollment.  We are pleased that the schools are now paying full rent and we pray that enrollment continues to grow.  Jacob is now renting out space in the building with careful consideration of our Covid-19 protection protocols.

 At our regular meeting last Thursday Sept 18, we spent the bulk of the time focused on the proposal for Settled Minister.  First, we discussed again the benefits of having a fulltime minister – along with looking at our finances for salary and benefits.  We voted to affirm our interest in hiring a fulltime minister, then shifted to hearing from the Search Committee’s reports on the qualifications of the Candidate they recommend.  In our large Zoom meeting, we heard from each of the six members of the committee regarding interviews with individuals who wrote recommendations, interviews with the candidate, and we had a discussion with questions and answers. With positive excitement and prayerful consideration, the Council Approved passing the candidate on to the Congregation for Approval. The Council unanimously recommends this candidate as an excellent choice for ACC, fitting our needs and our hopes for the future. 

 Tuesday this week we had a follow up meeting to finish some of the housekeeping business from our Thursday agenda and move forward to plan the details of a compensation package for a full time minister.  The work continues working closely with the candidate to establish that needs are being met.  Once we have established our agreement on the Letter of Call (Including compensation), we will begin to share with you information about the candidate.  In the meantime, PLEASE SAVE THE DATE:  Sunday, November 14th when the Candidate will lead worship.  That worship service will be followed directly by a Congregational Meeting to Vote whether to approve this candidate for full time Settled Ministry at ACC.