Thoughts from Our Bridge Pastor
Rev. Barbara K. Peronteau
Thoughts from the Pastor…
So, I’m on Geary St. on my way home from the Inner Richmond District in San Francisco. Had I known the traffic troubles ahead, I would have turned west on Geary, right on Park Presidio, and head over the Golden Gate Bridge, which is always a big thrill for me. Maybe I should have asked Siri. But nope, not this time. I’m travelling toward the thick of the city.
As I approach Japantown, I hit every single red light. I steer the Mustang into the left lane and – red light! When the light turns green, I goose the engine to get ahead of the traffic and – red light! Again. And then again all over again. Frustrating. Breathe.
Just before the right turn on Gough at Cathedral Hill someone in a brown SUV pulls out in front of me only to turn right a block later. Heading down the hill, a white Toyota pickup wedges its way in front of me, as if I don’t exist. I’m thinking about the Golden Gate Bridge again.
As I’m turning left on Golden Gate Ave, I realize I am in a relationship with all these people. Sometimes that happens when I’m on a major road trip to somewhere else. I pick up a travel buddy. I remember heading to Coudersport, Pennsylvania to preach at my friend’s Presbyterian Church. On Route 15, just south of Williamsport, I pulled up next to a red Camaro from the mid ‘80s. We stayed with each other making our way through Williamsport. As 15 widens into a four-lane highway snaking northward we opened up our throttles racing our way through the Alleghany Mountains. When I got tired of going over 95 MPH the Camaro blew by me. Though I ended the relationship somewhere south of Rt 6, I will always cherish our time together.
Anyway, back in San Francisco, I’m approaching Market Street on Hyde. The left lane is closed. Of course it is! It’s my turn to wedge in front of someone else now. Hey, we’re all in the same relationship here!
Crossing Market, I look west. Dad used to work in the Western Furniture Exchange and Merchandise Mart about two blocks up. My mind always floods with memories. Talk about relationship! As I approach the entrance to get on the Bay Bridge, I wonder why the Ninth St. exit dumps you off on Eighth St. At the Mercedes Benz place, the traffic clogs up again. My new mantra is that I am in relationship with all these folks. Whether they know it or not, I know it.
In the United Church of Christ, we call this being in Covenant. We are in Covenant with God, each other, and people we don’t even know yet. We are in co-partnership with God as we work together to be the church. Just as Jesus took Jairus’ daughter and the boy with seizures by the hand and raised them up to new life, so too does Jesus take us by the hand, bringing us safely home from our journeys of the day to eat and rest. As the dawn breaks, we arise to the gift of a new day. We are the Church, and we have places to go and things to do, no matter how congested the traffic gets.
Peace and Happy Motoring,
~ Pr. Barbara