Thoughts from Our Bridge Pastor
Rev. Barbara K. Peronteau
Thoughts from the Pastor…
November is turning out to be quite the busy month. Put your running shoes on because there is a lot to keep up with.
This Sunday, November 7 is All Saints Sunday. This is the day we celebrate those who have gone on before us by remembering and honoring those who have entered life eternal in 2020 and 2021. It is also the first Sunday of the month when we celebrate Holy Communion.
November 11 resumes our Spiritual Journey series with yours truly sharing her story. The one thing I can say is it’s not a straight line. I hope you’ll join me.
On November 14, our pastoral candidate, The Rev. Dr. Celestine (Celeste) Fields will be here for her call sermon. After which you will vote on whether to call her as your new pastor. There is a whole list of activities from November 12 – 14 surrounding your prospective pastor. Please see elsewhere in the Parishscope for details of events. I will be at Sycamore, UCC filling in for Pastor Fields.
Because of the flurry of activity happening all at the same time, Poetry Hour is cancelled for November. We’ll see you in December. Because, as we all know, there’s nothing going on in December. Ha!
Lectio Divina is scheduled for Friday, November 19 at 4 pm. See the blurb for that elsewhere in this week’s Parishcope.
The following week brings another weekend of head spinning activities. I volunteered to be on a planning committee for Transgender Day of Remembrance. TDOR is when the trans community and our allies remember those who have been murdered for simply being transgender. Trans Women of Color bear the brunt of most of the violence. The violence is typically very brutal raging with sheer hatred. I have been selected as one of the speakers to talk about Resilience in the face of suicidal ideologies. All that is scheduled for Saturday, November 20 to be held at East County Shared Ministry in Pittsburg, CA. You are welcome to come.
Sunday, November 21 is a celebration of Thanksgiving, The Reign of Christ, TDOR, and when we begin our North Richmond Christmas Fund Drive. Joining us that day will be Mrs. Annie King of the Family/Senior Center Board along with Linda Woodards, the Coordinator at the Center. Ms. King will speak at our Moment of Mission that day.
November 28 is the beginning of the Season of Hope, we know as Advent. It is also the beginning of the Christian New Year.
Happy Thanksgiving!
See you in Church.
~ Pastor Barbara