Thoughts from Our Bridge Pastor
Rev. Barbara K. Peronteau
Thoughts from the Pastor…
Every year the Sierra Pacific Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America holds a retreat in the Fall for pastors, and their families. They call this the Professional Leaders Conference (PLC). The venue alternates every year between “The Tides” at Monterey and Olympic Village at Palisades Tahoe. This was the year to be in the mountains.
On the way up, somewhere between 5000 and 6000 feet above sea level, we had the thrill of driving through a snow squall. Once we got off the interstate, I found it romantic driving toward the “lodge” with the snow gently falling through the pine trees and quietly laying on the ground. It was like something right out of a Hallmark movie.
The theme of the event was about wellness and wholeness. The times in which we are living are stressful. I could go through the litany, but we already know the context in which we live. Now what? The facilitator at the Monday evening workshop asked us what nourishes us. What nourishes you? For me, the question came out of left field. I had to think about it. I’m still thinking. What nourishes me? That Monday evening my answer was reading theology. I am in a Luther Reading Group that meets once a month. Reading the scripture for Sunday and taking a deep dive into the text is nourishing. I get enjoyment detailing my car and decorating the apartment. In these stressful times remind yourself what nourishes you and what brings you joy. Do that.
Tuesday was sort of a hodge-podge of this and that. I found the best part of the day was being with friends laughing and catching up with each other. I became aware of how important community and connection really is, even for us introverts.
Wednesday was mostly about body movements - lessons I wasn’t expecting. The first workshop was about experiencing gravity from the ground. There were some elements of Yoga involved with this. The instructor had us lie down on our backs on the floor. I was amazed how the earth was pulling my tension out simply by laying still and flat on my back. I liked it. There were a few other techniques I found helpful and even enjoyable. I was nourishing my body.
The next workshop was about how to do worship movements without pain. Trust me, it’s a thing. The class was small and would soon evolve into a discussion about our bodies being sacred space even though we have been given the opposite message by family and culture. “You’re too fat, you’re female and don’t belong in the pulpit, you’re too queer. You’re not good enough.” Always and constantly God says our bodies are sacred space. Each of us are loved and awesome.
The third workshop was about Restorative Breathing. Among other things, we learned how to curl forward while seated and slowly and intentionally curl back up. Everyone heard my neck snap, crack, and pop. Not just one snap, crack, and a pop. Lots. We found out there is something called the “backpack.” It’s that knot where the neck, shoulders, and back meet. It’s called the “backpack” because that’s where we carry all our stuff. Stretching, curling, body movements, laughing, and finding those things that nourish us are helpful in taking off our “backpack.”
Finally, the PLC ended with worship on Thursday morning. Worship, too, is nourishing. Take care of body and soul. By then, it was time to leave. The chicken sandwiches and the bar-b-que chips from the Shell station on the way out were also nourishing. It was good to get away and it was good to come home. I always find home a nourishing place.
Wholeness and wellness,
~ Pastor Barbara