A Letter from ACC Candidate Pastor Celeste Fields

I am honored to be the candidate for settled pastor at Arlington Community Church, UCC! As I said to Faith Abel in one of our many emails, “Look what God has done!” I wasn’t exactly looking for a call when ACC was brought to my attention. But once I read your profile, I knew that I belonged with you all. I am filled with excitement and nervousness. The nervousness speaks to the importance of this work we will do together in the Church.

A little about me...

I came to California in April of 2019 from the East Coast. I drove over 5,000 miles in a conversion van that I turned into a camper. I drove right into a blizzard which was headed my way from Nebraska. I put the peddle to the metal, hands at ten and two, escaping the snow, sleet, high winds, and ice finding my way to sunny California after ten days of driving. The moment I crossed the border from Arizona, I felt something shift within me. I had this feeling that I was home and that everything in my life was going to change. I was going to be okay! I feel and see this happening every day I live in the Bay Area. I know this is happening with my candidacy at ACC as well. Although I have left some precious little people behind, I am home.

I look forward to vacation when I visit my two grown children, Christian and Briana, who is the mother of my three grandchildren. Jonathan is the oldest at 11, Jordyn is 8 and my granddaughter Elise Summer is two. I have two stepsons I helped raise with my former partner. Jacob and Adam, who are 23 and 20 years old are my loves. I have various adult children who have come into my life through the years and call me mom or nana. I like to say that I am the mother of the world. J I love children and they seem to like me as well.

I have a passion for healthy eating, food insecurity, and teaching people how to manage their health through their diet. I believe everything our body needs is found in nature or can be grown in our back yard...depending on zoning. I enjoy hiking the many trails in the Bay, riding my bicycle on the street, on bike paths, and on my trainer in the living room if the sky is filled with smoke. I recently started lifting weights again at the gym, and I am working on losing the last 30 or so pounds of my weight loss journey. I have lost about 130lbs since April 2017. I am looking forward to maintenance, so I have more freedom with food.

I enjoy teaching racial justice and serving on the Committee on Ministry Section B in the conference. I care for the earth by keeping my carbon footprint as low as possible and taking part in spontaneous cleanup activities around the Bay. This is the short list. I look forward to sharing more, especially about the motorcycle photo, and getting to know you all soon.

Many blessings as we begin our journey together,

Pastor Celeste