July, 2020 Council Summary

Council Summary - Linda Young, Moderator

Council met via Zoom on July 16th. 

·     Nate’s return from vacation was warmly welcomed, and he reported on his ministry including arrangements for the two months of paternity leave coming up in September and October.

·     Elena recommended the Online Donation System be adjusted for clarity. Council encourages large donations to continue to come to the church via mail to avoid the percentage charged by the online system.

·     Randy’s financial status report showed ACC is still fairly stable in spite of the Pandemic, however a long time without rents, and precarious school attendance, could hurt both the schools and the church.

·     The new sign that will hang over the steps on the balcony is paid for and is “in the works”.

·     The Face Mask project has received a boost from a several large donations of fabric. Donations of both money and fabric are still very welcome. Face masks recently have been donated to YEAH (a drop-in center for homeless youth in Berkeley), Punks With Lunch (volunteers who deliver meals to homeless in West Oakland), and the Zuni Pueblo.

·     The ACC Knitting Ministry, which is not currently active, was pleased to donate about 4 dozen skeins of yarn to a local group who crochet ear-savers for people who have difficulty wearing behind-the-ear masks. The crocheted piece is a rectangle with a button on each end. It fits across the back of the head, and the elastic from the mask wraps around the buttons instead of the ear, preventing damage to skin and hearing aids.

·     Eleanor reported and we reviewed the Reopening Committee’s work on protocols for small group gatherings up to 18 using the large social hall, deck and patio. Sanctuary use is still a way off.

·     Faith’s team is reviving pot luck plans to begin No-Food Potlucks via Zoom coming up on FIRST THURSDAYS - including programs on the Labyrinth, Voting Guides, Ashby Village and others. 

·     A Memorial team was formed to draw up a list of potential memorial gifts since the church has learned that a donor wishes some options. The team is already busy generating ideas.