Celebrate Christmas with a Poinsettia
During Advent we are filled with joyful anticipation of the birth of the light of God’s hope in our hearts. We tell each other this “old, old story,” as we begin to see the lights and colors of hope in our own lives.
A beautiful tradition at ACC is the display of lovely red poinsettias which decorate the sanctuary for our Christmas worship together. As in years past, you are invited to donate one or more poinsettias at our cost ($8.00 each), and to dedicate your beautiful flower(s) to a loved one. You are also invited to take it home to add sparkle to your own celebration following the worship service on Christmas Eve. On the next two Sundays, December 9 and 16, order forms will be found in your bulletins and Sue Day will be in the Social hall to take your orders and donation. Checks are payable to ACC (Poinsettia).
In the event you cannot be present to take your flower home Christmas Eve, please let us know when you reserve it, as we may be able to arrange delivery after the Christmas Eve worship service.
Sue Day will be confirming ACC’s final order on the 17th. Her contact information is: 705-1885 -- sueday6@comcast.net
In the event you cannot be present to take your flower home Christmas Eve, please let us know when you reserve it, as we may be able to arrange delivery after the Christmas Eve worship service.
Please make checks payable to “ACC Poinsettia”