The Responsibility of Stewardship

The Responsibility of Stewardship

This year’s stewardship theme: “Stretching our Imagination for What’s Possible in 2023” calls out the importance of considering how we support the life of ACC.  We continue to live in immensely challenging times, but we are blessed to have ACC in our lives through weekly worship services, events, and community outreach.

Our church boards and the Council were asked to stretch their imagination to consider ACC’s budget priorities as to where and how to move forward with developing a budget for meaningful programs, building our choirs with a new Music Director, and providing salary increases for our full time Pastor, and staff.  This has resulted in our “Asking Budget”.  After receiving pledges from our members and friends, the actual budget will be developed and voted on by the congregation at the Annual Meeting in January.

In the spirit of stretching ourselves to meet the “Asking Budget”we ask you to consider what you want our church to be in 2023.  How will you support ACC with your time, talent, and treasure?  We’re asking all who are able to increase their pledge amount, or to pledge for the first time to ACC.  All gifts are confidential, only one person (Financial Secretary) sees your pledge card, and our goal is 100 % participation.

A mailing next week will include a pledge card as well as a narrative version of the “Asking Budget”.

Thank you for your support and help in continuing to build a caring church community that is a vital part of all our lives.

With deep appreciation,

Faith Abel, Moderator

Stewardship Committee:  Ruth Robinson, Linda Young, Elena Caruthers, Randy Laferte, Dudley Thompson, Pastor Celeste, and Faith Abel