Council Summary for August, 2021

Council Summary for August, 2021

Council met on August 19th via Zoom. (This was a big improvement over “distant” talking around a very large table in the Social Hall, as it is easier to hear each other.)  We’re pleased to report ACC’s finances are stabilizing after our shutdowns during the pandemic. This is largely because our expenses were not as great while we were closed. Rental income, including from schools, has not returned to pre-pandemic levels.  If anyone is interested in seeing budget/finance details please see me or Randy. We’re hoping enrollment in the schools continues to improve so rents can return to normal. Jacob has been busy re-opening facility rentals with some guidance from the Re-opening Committee for Covid-19 safety protocols. We are still not fully using the facility for rentals. To clarify protocols and fees for Jacob and for renters, we’ll be developing a policy on rentals.

We’re starting to revisit Capital improvement projects that we had to put on hold in March of 2020.  We were able to proceed with the sidewalk construction because funds were already reserved.  Now we’re starting to investigate the feasibility of some re-configuration and accessibility concepts for the bathrooms off the Narthex (the infant stage of planning). If we decide to proceed with such a project, there will need to be a great deal of “logistical planning” as well as raising some additional Capital funds.   

Council is grateful to Barbara for the hard work she of planning meaningful and inspiring worship services along with the music staff, and for Jacob’s talents and hard work producing the Parishscope and other communications to the Congregation.  The Search Committee continues with interviews and reviewing candidate profiles for a Settled Minister. Council is keeping in touch with the committee’s general progress and it sounds positive at this point.  Please continue to prayerfully support the work of all those working behind the scenes to keep our Congregation and Ministry vital. 

 Linda Young,  Moderator