New COVID Protocols at ACC

Dear Members and Friends of Arlington Community Church,

Due to the severity of the new COVID variant known as Omicron the Re-Opening Team met on the morning of Friday, December 3, 2021. Given this new threat the team is taking two guiding themes very seriously. First, we want to keep our gatherings, in particular our worship services, as safe as possible. Secondly, we want to welcome as many people to ACC as possible.

To that end the Re-Opening Team has created new guidelines effective this Sunday, December 5, 2021. Some of them will be familiar.

1. Everyone will be required to show vaccine certificates or photo of Certificate or QR code on phone to Greeter at door upon entry.

2. Unvaccinated people will not be admitted at this time.

3. The team considered allowing unvaccinated persons in who test negative. This would require a lot of training for the Greeters. The Team decided against testing as a means for admittance.

4. While we have a “list,” the team decided it isn’t as accurate as actually seeing proof of a COVID vaccine. Greeters will use the “list” as back up until more and more people become accustomed to showing proof of vaccine. Eventually, the “list” will be phased out.

5. We will continue wearing masks and practice safe distancing.

We continue to live in “unprecedented times.” We continue to “build the airplane while in mid-flight.” Remember we are a covenant people. Meaning we are in co-partnership with God and one another. Safety for all people is an act of kindness and justice.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we journey through this time together.

With Hope, Peace, Love, Joy, and Dignity for all,

Rev. Barbara K. Peronteau, Bridge Pastor

Writing for the Re-Opening Team

Faith Abel

Eleanor Crump

Linda Young

Susan Russell

Nina Harmon