Council & Budget Update

Council met last week to review finances and begin looking forward to 2021. 

Our 2020 expected income from room rentals, and school rentals has fallen significantly while pledges from the Congregation have held fast. We received a PPP loan which significantly helped with expenses in our first three months of the Covid-19 Pandemic. But we are now in the 7th month of the pandemic. Many expenses have been reduced due to the fact that we are not using office materials, and providing materials for on-site meetings and worship. However the reduction in expenditures is not expected to make up for lost income. A small team is beginning to work on budget projections for 2021. The schools are gradually re-opening at reduced rent and reduced enrollment. It is expected that will continue well into 2021. Paid space rentals are not likely to return until well into the new year.  We, however, are determined to continue to keep our congregation viable and are ever grateful to the Congregation for their generosity. Feel free to share ideas and hopes with members of the budget team, Randy and Sara Laferte, Elena Caruthers, and Myself, 

With hope and gratitude,

Linda Young, Moderator