Eco Justice- Too Busy? Start Here... by Ruth Robinson

The other day I discovered a blog by Joshua Becker called "Becoming Minimalist".  He suggested, "Simplicity brings balance, freedom and joy".  How does that relate to efforts to heal our Earth?

I think part of our dependency upon the fast, the efficient and the expedient gets wrapped up in products that actually have the exact opposite effect upon the environment.  Think about foods that contain suspicious ingredients, like high fructose corn syrup.  Think about all that packaging in the kids' Lunchables from the market.  In efforts to simplify our busy lives, we add layers of unintended problems.

Becker has a list of the top 10 ways to simplify lives (which are probably too many!).  Number 4 is - Eliminate Artificial Ingredients in our food.  Shop local, eat food locally grown.

In October, we are going to ask folks to participate in an Eco Challenge.  For two weeks, try and either start a good habit (for example, simplify eating) or stop a not so good habit (don't throw away plastic bags, reuse).  The part you'll be asked to do is totally personal...but start thinking about what you might want to focus on.  No scores will be kept, no true confessions about some habit to be broken will be required.

Becker also has written a blog called "A Guide to Becoming Unbusy", just in case....

For more: has food for thought.

Keep up with becoming a Person of the planet by visiting the link below!
