We welcome all people to virtual worship and prayer, and be with us on our journeys of faith formation; join us as we experience the Divine One through Creation, Creatures, and Creativity in our world and worship.
Join us as we worship God on Transfiguration Sunday! On this final Sunday before Lent begins, we hear the story of Jesus being transformed on a mountaintop, while his disciples stand there with their mouths open. Nate talks about life with a hidden, dazzling God – and how we balance our desire for mystery with our inclination to create structures and dwellings. Shanti leads us in singing hymns, including “Immortal, Invisible God Only Wise,” and Tim offers piano music, including an "Enigma Variation No. 9” Susan Russell sings “You’ll Never Walk Alone” for this week’s special music.
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Visitors, please check in with us at: https://www.arlingtoncommunitychurchucc.org/virtual-visitor
This week's video was edited by ACC Office Administrator, Jacob Day.
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