In this second of three Bible Studies on ideas emerging from the Movement for Black Lives, Rev. Nate will walk us through passages from the following resources related to identity politics. We'll read and share our ideas together.
Click on the titles below to read the articles ahead of time. And please join us, whether or not you’re able to do any reading!
-Read an article that argues for the usefulness of identity politics in today’s discourse. From The New Republic: “What Liberals Get Wrong About Identity Politics”.
-Read a short excerpt from the document where the term originated, a statement from the Combahee River Collective, a 1970s group of Black feminist scholars and activists in Boston.
An Excerpt from “The Combahee River Collective Statement.”
-Read Langston Hughes’ “Theme for English B,” a poem that asks important questions about identity.
-Read Galatians 3:27-29, and think about how the text's claims for unity in Christ should be considered, in light of these other claims for the importance of identity.
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