World Communion Sunday & Neighbors in Need Special Offering

World Communion Sunday &

Neighbors in Need Special Offering

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This Sunday we will be celebrating World Communion Sunday, a day when we recognize all the different practices and cultures that make up the Body of Christ throughout the world.

As part of our celebration, we will take up an offering for Neighbors in Need. NIN is a special mission offering of the United Church of Christ that supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States. One-third of NIN funds support the Council for American Indian Ministry (CAIM). Two-thirds of this offering is used by the UCC's Justice and Witness Ministries (JWM) to support a variety of justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects through grants. This year, special consideration will be given to projects focusing on serving our immigrant neighbors and communities. 

KCC/ACC Parade, Picnic, and Blessing of the Animals

KCC/ACC Parade, Picnic, and Blessing of the Animals

Sunday, October 13th, 12:00-3:00 pm.

 The BIG DAY is almost here…Bring your pets, kids, and grandkids!

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11:30 am. Parade assembles at Arlington & Amherst Aves (ACE parking lot).

12 pm. Parade starts with this year’s Grand Marshal, Rev. Nate. People and their pets are invited to join the parade in costume!

1:00. Blessing of the Animals, on the Kensington Park Big Lawn.

LIVE MUSIC with Fred Korematsu Middle School Jazz Band.

Hotdog and sausage lunches for sale.

1:30. Richmond Police Force K9 Unit demonstration.

2:00. Coloring Contest sponsored by Mechanics Bank.


We are still looking for helpers to set-up, staff, and take down our ACC table during the afternoon. Please contact Linda Young ( if you can help out.

Fall Celebration Sunday

Fall Celebration Sunday

 Dear Friends,

 You're especially invited to join us for our Fall Celebration Sunday, this coming Sunday, September 15. 

 We’ll have special music from the Choir (returning for the first time since the spring), as well as the Ensemble Band.

 Since we're at the beginning of another school year, we'll take a moment to bless Students and Teachers of all kinds, from elementary-school kids to retired professors.

 And we’ll celebrate our Ministry Teams/Boards, which do so much behind the scenes at ACC, and also hear about two exciting groups that have formed over the summer: a new Faith Formation team, and a new Outreach and Hospitality team.

 Oh, and there will be ICE CREAM afterwards during Social Hour.

 See you in church!

— Rev. Nate Klug

2020 Campaign Update and Thank You

2020 Campaign Update and Thank You

The Capital Campaign is GROWING, thanks to those who stepped up in answer to the renewed 2020 appeal mailed in June. Several people in the congregation offered new pledges to the campaign, increased their pledges, or paid pledges early.

Elena Caruthers, our Financial Secretary, has reported we have received 4 new pledges, and 2 increases since June 2019. We now have $157,425.00 in total pledges to the 2020 Campaign.

Importantly, the 2020 Campaign can continue to help pay the costs of our recent large projects. It is not too late to donate, if it is still on you list of things to do.

The roof work has totally been paid for:

· $19,297 came from the Capital Campaign (not an anticipated Capital project),

· $120,000 came from the Endowment and Building funds, and

· The balance came from Surplus funds.

· The cost of the entire project came to $162,771.45 – under the $165,000 expected.

Money is still left in the Capital Campaign fund and will be used, along with endowment and surplus funds to pay for the patio and drainage work currently in progress. This project was on the original 2020 Capital Improvements plan.

It has been a very busy summer. Both the roof and the patio projects have taken priority in the sequence of 2020 projects for safety reasons. The Church Council is grateful for the excellent negotiating, planning, and supervision of these projects done by David Hertzer.

The ACC Council also extends a grateful Thank You to all those who have donated to the 2020 Capital Campaign. The proposal to recognize donors is not forgotten. Once the patio is finished, we will be exploring an appropriate way to do this, such as a wall of names, including all names without disclosing the amounts donated to the campaign. If you have thoughts on this, please share with members of the Council.

New capital improvement proposals include the expansion/reorganization of bathroom space in the narthex. Finding funds for that is a matter for future discussion. Who knows, the Capital Campaign fund may be able to kick off that project.

With gratitude for your generosity,

Linda Young, Vice Moderator

Coffee Hour: Providing Hospitality

Coffee Hour: Providing Hospitality

 Do you ever find yourself noticing a great deal on cookies or fruit at the grocery store? You are always welcome to help provide snacks for our Coffee/Social Hour following Sunday worship.

If you do know that you’ll be bringing something, just email Jaima Roberts at, so she knows not to dig in to our stockpile of extra snacks. Thanks for providing hospitality (and thanks to Jaima for making sure we always have something to share!).

Experience the Psalms in a New Translation

Experience the Psalms in a New Translation

Brought to you by the Faith Formation Team

What does it mean to say, “God is still speaking”? One thing it probably means is that God’s Word in Scripture should never sound old-fashioned to our ears. Our Protestant forebears took pride in translating the Bible into their living vernacular, and we have the same responsibility to bring God’s Word into the contemporary in our worship.

 To that end, for the next four Sundays, we’ll be experimenting with a new English translation of the Hebrew Bible, published in 2018 by the renowned Hebrew scholar and Cal professor Robert Alter. Each week in worship, we’ll experience a favorite Psalm in Alter’s translation.

 Our experiment will culminate in a second-hour discussion on September 22, led by Jonathan Sheehan, director of the Berkeley Center for the Study of Religion, where we compare some of Alter’s choices with our favorite translations from the past.

 Alter’s Hebrew Bible has been widely celebrated, critiqued, and discussed by scholars! But as far as we know, we are one of the only congregations actually experimenting with using this new translation in a worship setting.


Fall at Arlington Community Church

Fall at Arlington Community Church

Fall Celebration Sunday Sun. Sept. 15, 10 am

Join us as we celebrate students, teachers, and learners of all ages, and bless our new ministry teams. Ice cream social following worship.


Coastal Clean Up, Point Isabel, Richmond Sat. Sept. 21, 9 am - 12 pm

Bring water bottle, hat, and gloves, and you’ll be provided with the rest. We’ll gather in the parking lot beforehand, so we can work together. Email to sign up.


First Thursday Community Potluck: Islam and Christianity Thurs. Oct. 3, 6 pm

Fatih Ates, the Bay Area director of the Pacifica Institute, will speak on “A Common Word between Christians and Muslims.”


Parade, Picnic, and Animal Blessing Sun., Oct. 13, 12 pm – 3 pm

Kensington Community Council and ACC are partnering to present an event for the community. Bring your pets, dress up in a costume, and enjoy an afternoon with food and music. The parade will begin at the ACE Hardware on Arlington, followed by the Animal Blessing in the KCC upper fields.


Holiday Concert and Green Bazaar Sat., Dec. 21, 2 pm

Holiday Celtic Concert and Bazaar. Music for slowing down the season starts at 2:00 pm followed a planet-friendly green-themed bazaar with good cheer refreshments.


In addition, we offer these regular opportunities to connect:

 Serving Lunch in Richmond: The 3rd Tuesday (and the 5th Thursday) of each month, we purchase, prepare, and serve lunch to hundreds at the GRIP Souper Center.

 Interfaith Vigil against Gun Violence. First Friday of each month, 12-12:30 pm in the sanctuary. Prayer, music, and silence.

 Theology on Tap. Fourth Friday of the month, 4:45 at The Junket (next to Trader Joe’s) in El Cerrito Plaza. Check our website for specific topics. Come and share your ideas!

Click here for a PDF copy of the featured fall events!

New Small Group at ACC: Aging and Retirement


New Small Group at ACC: Aging and Retirement

We are seeking to gauge the level of interest in a new small group focused on the ups and downs of retirement, aging, or life transitions. The group would be led by ACC members Caro Grosvenor, a psychotherapist, and Rev. Barry Cammer, a pastoral counselor. The group would meet for approximately 6 sessions, beginning in September, most likely on a weekday evening. Space would be limited to 8 people -- if you are interested, please let Nate know ( as soon as you can.

ACC's Food Pantry Barrel

Arlington Community Church is joining with the Contra Costa Solano County Food Bank to fill a food barrel over the next month.

 1 in 8 people in the two counties - about 180,000 individuals - turn to the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano each month. St. Mary’s University did a study.

 They found 92% have a household income of less than $35,000 a year and it takes $76,500 for a family of four to make ends meet in California. 64% of households have seniors, children or both. Even more staggering, 29% rely on the Food Bank for at least half of their food.

 The study also revealed that the majority of participants eat healthier since receiving food assistance from the Food Bank and its partner agencies. 71% of respondents said they eat more balanced meals. 75% of respondents said they eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

 The need is particularly great for protein items such as canned tuna or peanut butter. ACC has had Protein Sundays for several years. Right now please bring those items and other packaged food goods (with current expiration dates) and help us fill the barrel.

 Cash contributions can also be made and the Lesher Fund is currently matching all gifts to the Food Bank.

Rev. Nate Klug's Installation June 30, 2019

Rev. Nate Klug's Installation June 30, 2019

A special weekend at Arlington Community Church. What ended with the Installation of Rev. Nate, a sanctuary full of old and new friends, a laying on of hands, and a fantastic reception in the Social Hall...began much earlier with some planning, creativity, and hard work!

Many thanks to everyone involved in creating a special weekend, one that we won't soon forget.