On this First Sunday after the Epiphany we'll begin a new sermon series inspired by the work of Dr. Becky Kennedy, a clinical psychologist and parenting coach whose book, Good Inside, offers an important perspective on humanity that is useful for all kinds of relationships. We'll start with the guiding principle of her work, "internal goodness...the belief that kids and parents are good inside." As we remember the story of Jesus' baptism and the blessing he receives as God's beloved son, we'll consider our own relationship to God and the theological idea of "original blessing" or "original goodness" in contrast to "original sin." Our choir, led by Music Director Jeffrey Paul, will provide Special Music, accompanied by Tim. K. Murphy. Rev. Jen Chapman will preach and lead the service. Linda Jones will serve as liturgist.
Coffee Hour will be held in the Fireside Room this Sunday due to the resurfacing of the floors in Social Hall
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