“...in this time of ascending fear, how do we stay aware of the needs of the world, active toward the renewal of your people, and focused on the specifics that are in your control through your call to us? “
Hannah Garrity, an artist/minister, prays this question in the devotional booklet, How Does a Weary World Rejoice: Art, Poetry, and Reflections for Advent in Luke’s Gospel, a publication of A Sanctified Art.
Let’s join together to follow this gifted collective of artists and ministers as through art, poetry, music, and reflection they seek the joy of God’s presence in these despairing times.
Let’s also bring to these meditations our own questions and insights as Christians on the meaning of Joy—is it possible? And what is its source?
In another context, the poet Adam Zagazewski writes of “a joy/in which faith is self-evident.” What does this mean?
Click HERE to view our Advent Devotional Booklet. If you would like a physical copy, please contact our Office via email.