It is National Women’s History month.
Person of the Planet would like to invite you to join us for a monthly walk nearby. Our first venture will be on Thursday, March 11, from 10-to about noon. We will plan to walk next to the SF Bay, watching for shore birds, boats and who knows what else. Here are the details:
· Meet in front of the Rosie the Riveter museum. Lots of parking in the nearby lot. We’ll follow the Bay Trail, which is paved and flat.
· Prior sign-ups required. We need to know who is coming so that we’re in compliance with the ACC Covid protocols.
· We ask you to please be on time, and we’ll wait until 10:10 to get underway.
· Social distancing and mask wearing required. Also, please do not car pool…yet.
· In case of rain, if heavy, we’ll cancel. If light rain, come if you don’t mind getting a little wet.
· Walk will go for about 30+ minutes the first leg, and then we’ll turn around and return to Rosie’s Museum.
· Do not count on restrooms being open.
· Please let Ruth Robinson know if you will be joining us for this walk. Cell phone is 510-965-7648, should you need to let us know if you have to cancel on the day of the walk.
· Questions – call Ruth at 510-525-1123.