We welcome all people to virtual worship and prayer, and be with us on our journeys of faith formation; join us as we experience the Divine One through Creation, Creatures, and Creativity in our world and worship.
Join us as we worship God with our hearts, bodies, and minds on the first Sunday of Lent. Our worship is blessed by three stirring pieces from Tim’s Ensemble Band: a spiritual, a Beatles song, and a Hank Williams rendition. Shanti leads us in singing hymns that set the stage for our Lenten journey, including “Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley.” In his reflection, Nate introduces our Lenten theme of repair, and during our Offering time we hear from Susan Russell and Barry Cammer about the Black Homeownership Reparations Fund.
Click here to begin Virtual Worship
* link to video will become active at 8AM PST
Visitors, please check in with us at: https://www.arlingtoncommunitychurchucc.org/virtual-visitor
Learn more about the BHRF here: https://www.arlingtoncommunitychurchucc.org/bhrf
This week's video was edited by ACC Office Administrator, Jacob Day.
Online giving is easy at: https://www.arlingtoncommunitychurchucc.org/online-giving