Join Rev. Barbara the first Friday of the month over Zoom. Over a beer or soda, coffee or tea, we’ll talk about a topic related to current events or the life of Faith.
The Season of Advent has four themes. One per week. The themes are Hope, Peace, Love, and Joy. Then it's Christmas Eve.
Advent is also the season we await the birth of Jesus. The thing is, we go through this waiting for the birth of Jesus every year. Jesus is already born. What is it we are being reminded of?
Advent is a season that often gets overlooked or simply dismissed in our mad rush for Christmas.
My question for Theology on Tap is how could Advent have more meaning by taking inventory of our internal sense of Hope, Peace, Love, and Joy. In terms of the four themes of Advent, what do you do well and what is it that you most long for?
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