We welcome all people to worship and prayer, and be with us on our journeys of faith formation; join us as we experience the Divine One through Creation, Creatures, and Creativity in our world and worship.
Join us this week for in-person and/or Live-Stream Worship. Pastoral candidate Rev. Dr. Celestine Fields will lead us through worship and speaks on faith helping us to persevere through pain, suffering, and injustice in her reflection “A New and Living Way.” Tim K. Murphy will lead us through this week’s hymns as well as provide selections for Prelude & Postlude. Katherine Hobbs, Shanti Moorjani, and the ACC Bell Choir will bring us lovely music for Special Music & Offertory. Tom Dean will read this week’s scripture from Hebrews 10:16-25 (New Revised Standard Version).
Click HERE to preview this week’s Bulletin!
Congregational Meeting to Follow Directly After Morning Worship
Members of the Congregation will remain in the sanctuary immediately following the worship service Nov. 14 for a Congregational Meeting to discuss, then vote on whether to call Rev. Dr. Celestine Fields to be our Settled Minister. For the meeting, the candidate will leave the room, along with any non-members who have attended worship. The vote will be taken by paper ballot, and counted by members of the Search Committee. We’ll wait in the sanctuary until the count is announced.
If you can not attend, but wish to participate in some way in the discussion prior to the vote, you may email your comments, questions, and wishes to the Moderator, Linda Young. (See directory). She will read comments prior to the vote. According to our bylaws, these can’t be counted as votes, but at lease you can share your thoughts. This would be "Voice but not Vote” participation.
This is an exciting time for the church and we look forward to participation of the members. Visitors and non-members are always welcome in worship.
We're looking forward to welcoming you on Sunday for in-person/live-stream worship! Our protocols are continuing to evolve, as we strive to keep everyone safe and feeling comfortable. This Sunday we are once again requiring masks for vaccinated worshippers.
Visitors, please check in with us at: