We welcome all people to worship and prayer, and be with us on our journeys of faith formation; join us as we experience the Divine One through Creation, Creatures, and Creativity in our world and worship.
Join us this week for in-person and/or Live-Stream Worship. Bridge Pastor Rev. Barbara K. Peronteau will lead us through worship and speaks on what it would be like to have the conviction of your faith so firm that you keep it in the face of oppression and persecution- I want that faith, in her reflection “’Here I Stand’ and the Hungarian Galley Slaves.” Special music will be performed by the ACC Bell Choir, and Chieko Chambers perform Handel on flute for this week’s Offertory. This week’s scripture comes from Jeremiah 31:31-34, Romans 3:19-28, & John 8:31-36 (NRSV & NJB).
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