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Virtual Worship for September 6 "Out of Chaos - Transformation"

We welcome all people to virtual worship and prayer, and be with us on our journeys of faith formation; join us as we experience the Divine One through Creation, Creatures, and Creativity in our world and worship.

Rev. Barry Cammer leads this Sunday's worship and preaches on taking the courageous steps to move from order to disorder to reorder (or transformation) in his sermon "Out of Chaos - Transformation."

Shira Kammen provides special music with an original improvised piece performed on the vielle. ACC Music Director, Shanti Moorjani, leads us through 4 hymns. ACC Accompanist, Tim Murphy, provides this week's prelude & postlude.

Video edited by ACC Office Administrator, Jacob Day

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Earlier Event: September 4
Virtual Bible Study: John 3:1-9
Later Event: September 6
Virtual Social Hour