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Morning Worship- CANCELLED

  • Arlington Community Church 52 Arlington Avenue Kensington United States (map)

We welcome all people to worship and pray (10 am, Sundays), and be with us on our journeys of faith formation; join us as we experience the Divine One through Creation, Creatures, and Creativity in our world and worship.

Sermon: “TBA”

Scripture: TBA. Rev. Nate Klug preaching.

Pastor: Rev. Nate Klug

Music Director:  Shanti Moorjani

Accompanist/Ensemble Coordinator: Tim K. Murphy

Scripture Reader:  TBA

ACC Worship Host: Eleanor & Nick Crump

Moment for Mission: TBA

Greeters:  TBA

Guest Musicians: TBA

Moderator: Linda Young

Vice Moderator: Faith Abel

No matter who you are–what race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, or mental or physical status or where you are on life’s journey, you are most welcome here.

Earlier Event: March 20
Lent Bible Studies- CANCELLED
Later Event: March 25