Spring Cleaning Coming to a House Near You
Spring Cleaning , by Linda Terrell
Closet doors open,
Sweeper to adjust,
Housecleaning today,
Yes, spring cleaning is a must.
Windows to wash,
Cabinets to clean,
Dust mallet to swish,
Even on outdoor screen.
What to choose from among the many bottles and potions and cans of cleaning products. If you are like me, you have a stash of stuff, each one designed for a specific job. Why is that, we might ask? What if we had one or two products, earth friendly, cheap and above all, effective?
Please join us after worship on Sunday, 4/28, for a very short workshop on how to make your own products that just might do a better job at cleaning than a dozen or so of what are under your sink or in the garage right now. And these will be guaranteed not to pollute your home or our earth.